The God of the Bible

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 1:1-20

God communicates through John to write to the seven churches in Asia about their new standing in Christ and how they can anticipate His return. John's vision of Christ's deity and a closer look at the elements in the vision reveal Christ's power and motivations as the perfect sacrifice and ultimate master of death.

Following Jesus' Example

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 1:27-2:13

Once we have received the gospel, we are called to live lives that reflect what God has done in our life. The apostle Paul advocates this to the church of Philippi. Paul highlights three aspects of understanding God's love: 1) Placing a high value on unity with other Christians; 2) God is sovereign; and 3) God's love includes letting us suffer. Rather than shy away from, God calls us to draw close to Him and one another as we try and emulate Jesus' love and humility in our lives.

True Greatness

Scott Risley
John 12:12-43

Jesus comes to Jerusalem and predicts his death. He was not the king people expected. Despite observing the miraculous signs Jesus performed throughout his ministry, many didn't believe and some were too afraid to admit they did believe. Jesus suffered and died so humanity could have life. His followers are to imitate his example to be truly great.

Suffering with God's Perspective

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 1:1-30

As the apostle Paul begins his letter, he communicates an eternal perspective amidst severe suffering and imprisonment. Paul actively takes six steps to cultivate this perspective: 1) thanksgiving for past blessings; 2) confidence in God's work continuing; 3) remembering that he was not alone in God's work; 4) seeing his suffering in context of God's larger plan; 5) keeping his priorities in order; and 6) keeping a focus on eternity.

Adorning the Gospel

John Cleary
1 Peter 2:12-15

As believers in Christ, we are called to stand out as lights and help bring the Gospel to others in our community in part because of God's own pursuit of His people and in response to Jesus' example. We can begin moving toward this call through prayers for our own heart change and for the lost around us. We can also start where we are today, beginning to adorn the gospel in the very neighborhoods, workplaces, and organizations in which we are already immersed.

God Space - Where Apologetics Happen Naturally

Doug Pollock
1 Peter 2:12-15

Christian author, Doug Pollock, illustrates helpful evangelism strategies and goals through a conversation he once had with a woman while on a flight. As he describes the story, he highlights listening to the Spirit's prompting, asking questions to show interest in a person's life, and finding common ground. As he bridges the conversation into a spiritual topic, he remains a curious listener but also speaks up to help point out to the woman what she has really revealed that she believes. Through this example, we can gain numerous helpful tools for our own evangelism.

Jesus on the Cross

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22:1-22

On the cross, Jesus cried out three things. Jesus demonstrates God's love as he prays for those cursing him in the midst of his suffering. He also quotes Psalm 22 in order to show that things are going exactly according to God's plan. Finally, he proclaims that the work of atonement is finished. We are left with the task of telling others about his sacrifice.

Nothing but the Gospel

Doug Patch
Galatians 1:6-10

In the book of Galatians, Paul vehemently opposes false teaching that adds works to the message of the gospel. Essentially, the gospel says that Jesus' death on the cross paid for our sins, and that if we want forgiven, we can ask him for it. Christians can increase their trust in God's grace by remembering that His Spirit will transform their hearts and seeking to apply His gifts to their lives.

How to Instill God's Love

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul describes the way that he loves the church. He explains how the gospel reveals God's amazing love for us that is far beyond our limited conceptions of love. The example Paul gives is of one who loves in a tender and nurturing way like a mother, but also one who loves with the toughness and instruction of a father. We should seek to embody both the toughness and tenderness of Biblical love.