Jesus Prays

Dennis McCallum
John 17:1-26

As Jesus approaches His appointment with the cross, one last time, He Prays over his disciples a long, continuous prayer.

Overcoming a Hostile World

Scott Risley
John 15:18-16:33

As Jesus approaches His death on the cross, He gives some final encouragement to His disciples.  He warns them that after He leaves this world, the world will treat them the same hostile way it treat Jesus.  He promises them after a period of sorrow, they will experience wonderful joy that no one can take away from them.

The Fruitful Life

Scott Risley
John 15:1-15

John describes three types of vines: those not in Christ, those in Christ but without fruit and those in Christ and bearing fruit.  Only those in Christ can bear fruit if they abide/remain in Him.

The Powerful Prayer Meeting

Keira Williamson
Colossians 4:2

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Colossians 4:2).  Learn about the wonderful promises of prayer and how to have a vibrant and effective corporate prayer meeting.

Standing with the Global Church

Mike Woods
Colossians 4:2

Most Christians live in the developing world where the Gospel is expanding.  Supporting the Global Church is more than what we can offer them; it is what they offer us!

The Birth of Jesus

Mike Woods
Luke 2

Regardless of the true day of Jesus' birth, we can live every day celebrating that He came to earth to rescue us from our sin, that we have a secure eternity, and that we can love others with the same generosity our Lord has loved us.

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 19-20

When Jesus comes back and inaugurates the Millennial Kingdom, He will bring about true social justice, world peace and spiritual enlightenment. Nature will never again harm humans, and though mortal, the inhabitants will not suffer from sicknesses. All will celebrate with great joy. After the Millennial Kingdom closes, there will be one more rebellion which Jesus will snuff out and then comes judgment. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire along with anyone who did not choose to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

The Reign of David:Uniting the Nation

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 2-6

Although King David was far from a perfect man or king, we can learn from his rich emotional life. He openly expressed himself to God, acted on the teachings of the Word, kept his eyes on God not people, and he realized that people will respect a passionate, expressive person. Finally, he enjoyed being with God's people.

Loving God with All Your Heart

James Rochford
2 Samuel 5-6

Loving God with all your heart involves letting yourself display emotions. David's source of his passion was his deep trusting relationship he had with God. His wife, Michal, on the other hand kept aloof, allowed hard-heartedness to take root, leading her to develop a twisted narrative of David's joyous dancing before the Lord.