The Normal Christian Life

Gary DeLashmutt
John 14-16

Jesus' farewell discourse describes the normal Christian life as a life of supernatural provisions in the midst of extraordinary difficulties. Three difficulties are presented: 1) Jesus will not be physically present; 2) we are living in a hostile world; and 3) we are given a humanly impossible mission. Four provisions are given: 1) hope in the eternal kingdom; 2) access to God through prayer; 3) help through the Holy Spirit; and 4) the authority of Jesus over the world system.

Amazed by God

Jim Leffel
Psalms 139:1-24

The psalmist explores God's awe-inspiring knowledge, presence, and creativity. He is amazed to discover that he is fully known and yet accepted completely, that God is always present wherever he goes and that God reveals his beautiful creativity in nature and uniquely in human beings. We will look at three responses to these incredible truths: to delight in God's thoughts, to have a sensitized conscience, and to be totally open before God.

Psalm of Praise to the Lord of All

Jim Leffel
Psalms 145:1-21

This psalm focuses on God's amazing character and is instrumental in cultivating a vibrant relationship with God. It unpacks God's grace to all people, God's authority over all things now and forever, and God's power that sustains us in a broken world. As we praise God in prayer, we will experience intimacy with Him and deep joy in our soul.

Face Your Fears With Confidence

Jim Leffel
Psalms 27:1-14

This psalm describes the experience of someone who is in the midst of fear. We will learn how to move from fear to confident trust in God by speaking truth to ourselves and expressing our feelings, beliefs and petitions to God. Sean Fitzpatrick shares his experience with trusting God in the midst of fear.

Gateway to Prayer: Meditation on God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:2

We can read the word of God but how often do we ponder it deeply in meditation? Biblical meditation is not about emptying your mind but instead interacting with and understanding something deeply. We need God's help in a world that never stops moving and where we intake information at higher speed than ever. Being connected to God through His Word in meditation promises to grow us and root us deeply in Him. \r\n

Keys to Effective Prayer

Mike Sullivan
James 5:13-18

There are many ways to grow a prayer life. Three keys to effective prayer include: 1) cultivating a lifestyle of ongoing individual prayer; 2) confessing your sins to one another and praying for one another; 3) praying for a commitment to God's Will.

Judging, Reconciliation and Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:1-12

Still dealing with the self-righteous Pharisees, Jesus continues to teach on how our interpersonal relationships should look. He says that we should avoid the self-righteous judgment of the Pharisees, who's ultimate judgment is coming. In addition, Jesus tells his audience to perceive a humble view of self in light of seeing sin in others lives, as well as learning boundaries within relationships and extending forgiveness to others. Lastly, Jesus gives insight into seeking after God through prayer and that our lifestyle should be characterized by a commitment to others.

Where God Leads, God Provides

Jeff Gordon
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Once Nehemiah decided he was going to go God's way, he needed permission from the King of Persia to go to Jerusalem. As he stepped out in faith, he learned that where God leads He also provides and changes hearts. Our role, as followers of God, is to pray and be willing to go where He leads. While we pray we can actively prepare because we know that God will lead the way.\r\n

Against the Flow; Nurturing the Inner Life in a Fast Paced World

Mike Bullmore
Matthew 6:6

A biblical case for solitude is presented, a necessary time where we feed our inner person. God has made His Word available to us, but we have a responsibility to create opportunities to exercise this nourishing effect. This goes against the grain of our culture, and thus requires us to schedule this time into our lives and turn off the distractions around us. This is a time to unplug and enjoy extended time with the Lord. Bullmore provides some practical suggestions of how we can best utilize this time. \r\n