An Audience of One

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 3:8-23

Corinth struggled in many areas including following human leaders instead of God. Serving just the Lord, eternal life, and how we should not store up treasures here on earth are all covered.

Exploring Eternity

James Rochford
Daniel 12:1-13

Daniel's final chapter speaks both of "everlasting life" and "shame and everlasting contempt." Several reasons are presented about why we can be confident in an afterlife. Popular misconceptions of Hell and God's judgment are clarified.

3 Responses to Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:8-10

There were many expectations that people had for who Jesus should be. Jesus preached that the solution to a broken relationship with God is not a behavior change but a transformed heart: this polarized the crowds listening to his teachings. When we are desperate, we turn to prayer as a last resort. We can try to bargain with God to get what we want. The Pharisees were indignant that Jesus was not meeting their expectations. Jesus taught that spiritual matters are far more important than the physical: they will last into eternity. \r\n

Spiritual Birth

Ryan Lowery
John 3:1-21

Jesus meets Nicodemus. Nicodemus tells Jesus that he must be from God because of all the amazing and miraculous things he can do. Jesus tells Nicodemus that no one can be with God unless he or she is born again. Nicodemus comes to understand through this interaction that believing in Jesus' miracles and that He comes from God isn't enough, one must be born again.

Life out of Death

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:15-16

During a Jewish feast, many Greeks seeking spiritual insight come to see Jesus. Jesus gives the illustration of a seed falling into the ground and dying to bear fruit; teaching the principle of life-out-of-death. He applies this principle in 3 ways: 1) out of Jesus' death we receive eternal life; 2) as we die to self and sacrifice our fleshly desires, we gain a deeper spiritual life;3) our ongoing death to self brings life to others.

The Aftermath of the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 23:50-24:48

New Testament critic Bart Ehrman says, "one of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified..." But what came next? Historial evidence points to an empty tomb 3 days later. We will explore possible explanations for the empty tomb and evidence that Jesus did in fact raise from the dead!

Jesus and the End of the World, Part 3

Scott Risley
Luke 21:25-36

Ritualism emphasizes the personal distance between people and God. Gary explores Paul's argument against ritualism within the framework of two main applications: 1) we should not be self-righteous; and 2) since relational closeness with God is possible, we should strive to cultivate a relational closeness with God.

A Fresh Way of Appropriating the Bible's Truths

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 5:2-5

Learning to appropriate biblical truth is crucial to growing with God. The three truths that are foundational to understand are: substitution, identity, and eternal. All three are needed for spiritual growth. There are many negative symptoms that come when one or more of these truths are lacking. It is wise to start off by memorizing scripture with these truths and to talk to God about them in your prayer life.

Exploring Eternity (Part 3) - Minds Fixed on Eterntiy

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:15-16

Investing in heaven is the wisest choice we can make. It starts with setting our mind on heaven in this life. Here are five things to consider: 1) people are the only lasting commodity; 2) eternity reminds us why temporal pursuits never satisfy; 3) a mindset on eternity reminds us our suffering has a purpose; 4) eternity reminds us to be faithful with the small stuff; and 5) eternity reminds us that we will all give an account for our lives someday.