Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire and facing persecution. He urges them to put their hope in their future eternal inheritance. Christians today should have a mindset of being "resident aliens" on earth, whose true citizenship is in heaven, resulting in a refined faith.

The Woman at the Well

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

Despite many personal, cultural, and religious barriers, Jesus approaches a woman at a well to demonstrate that he is the only one who can quench her spiritual thirst. The Gospel has the same effect today when we turn to God to restore the relationship we were created for and allow Him to meet our deepest needs.

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Gary DeLashmutt
John 4:1-42

The Christian life is described in the Bible as one which requires perseverance in a spiritual war. Gary DeLashmutt examines the connection between the eternal life and the endurance required in the Christian life. By increasingly anticipating life in Heaven with God, the current issues of this life are not eliminated, but put in proper perspective.

Easter/The Resurrection

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 15:1-58

Paul explains to the Corinthian church the importance of the resurrection to the Christian faith-- a historical event corroborated by substantial evidence. Because of Jesus' resurrection, believers in Christ can be confident that we too will one day be raised to eternal life with him.

Our Despair in Adam, Our Hope in Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 5:12-21

Adam was an imperfect earlier type of the perfect type to come later, Jesus Christ. In chapter five of Romans, Paul gives several ways Jesus perfected Adam's errors. Through Adam, many died, but through the grace of Jesus, eternal life is available to all people. Adam brought condemnation , but Christ brought forgiveness. Adam brought a reign of death, but, much more did Christ bring a reign of life. Adam's single act brought death, but Christ's single act brought life, and abundantly.

God and Evil

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:12-21

The Bible offers a unique satisfying explanation of why evil exists--and continues to exist. Through studying the Bible, we see that God is not silent about our suffering, but instead offers a resolution to the problem of evil that ultimately answers our need for comfort now and triumph in the future.

The Afterlife

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:20-58

What happens after death? What will the afterlife be like? What will our resurrected bodies be like? The apostle Paul gives an overview of what's coming after death for those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Fight the Good Fight

Mike Sullivan
2 Timothy 4:7

Paul calls Timothy to "Fight the Good Fight." This same call applies to Christian believers today. How do we effectively do this? This teaching goes through the different ways that we can successfully fight the good fight.

God's Eternal Kingdom

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 21:1

What will happen to us when we die? Does it really matter? The book of Isaiah has a lot to say about the two destinations - heaven and hell. How that impacts our lives now and what we have to look forward to is discussed.