The Writings of Brian McLaren

Gerry Breshears

In Breshears' opinion, The Story We Find Ourselves In is THE theology of the emergent church, and exactly what it calls itself - a (fictional) story. The emergent church nobly started as a group of young leaders who wanted to "take Christianity to the streets" in opposition to postmodern spirituality and in contrast to fundamentalism. Today, the emergent church has unfortunately separated itself from the evangelical essentials and stands in stark opposition to the true Gospel of Christ. Instead of critiquing contemporary culture, it critiques the Church, and in the case of McLaren, the critique is not Biblically-based. Breshears exposes McLaren's theology as not taking into account all of Scripture, but rather only certain parts. The only real test of truth is the Word of God, the Bible.\r\n

The Mystery of Christ Revealed (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 2:6-9

Colossians explains the mystery of Christ that is hidden throughout Old Testament times. In this mystery, a messiah or savior was predicted to come to redeem the people of Israel. Therefore, the people expected a powerful, governmental ruler who would free them from their adversaries. However, there is another character described throughout the Old Testament: the suffering servant. At first glance, it seems that these are two different persons. However, the mystery is that they are both the same person, Jesus Christ. Why was this hidden as a secret during Old Testament times? So that God's plan would be fulfilled by the cross.

The Good News

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:1-17

The Good News of the Bible is that we can have a close, personal relationship with the God of the universe. We have to come to Him on His terms though, not on our own. God's terms are just that we have faith in the good news that He sent His son to die as payment for our sins on the cross. Jesus' life and death was predicted by several sources hundreds of years before he walked on the earth. The Gospel is the power of God. It's the only thing that makes us right with God and is accomplished from start to finish by faith.

Total Help For Total Need

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 2:1-10

All of humanity is in total need, but God through Jesus Christ extends total help. Humanity's total need is that we are alienated from God, we are enslaved to Satan, and we are headed for God's condemnation. God's total help reconciles us to Him, gives freedom from Satan's control, and destines us to His kindness for eternity. The total help of God is a gift that cannot be earned by good works, but is given to those through faith.

The Incomparable Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul makes the argument that Christ has the authority and is sufficient to forgive sins. Christ's death on the cross gives the grace that humans cannot earn on their own. Christ is worthy of people's lives, and he is adequate to meet their needs. He is ultimately trustworthy and the only way to be made right with God.

The Attraction of the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:4-8

Paul describes the Good News that the Colossians know as grace, which has the power to change lives. He lists characteristics of this grace in the believers' lives as faith, love, and hope. Faith is our reality, love is our call, and hope is our future. These things attract others to Christ and make faith real.

The Cross of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:11-16

Paul ends his letter to the Galatians with a focus on the centrality of the cross. His boasting isn't revolved around self, but in the work of Jesus Christ. Through the offensive message of the cross, we have a new outlook on the lives we live as Christians. Jesus Christ's work on the cross allowed for real freedom to relinquish our rights, demands, and agendas in favor of getting behind God's work and His purposes that are more satisfying.

Grace Confirmed By the Old Testament

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 3:6-29

The Judaizers were so successful in leading the Galatians away from the Gospel because it appeared that the Old Testament agreed with them rather than Paul's message of grace alone. Because of this, Paul explains how people in the Old Testament gained God's acceptance through faith alone, just as in the New Testament. He also explains the purpose of the law - not as a book of rules to follow but a guide to point out sin and the need for grace.

Grace Confirmed By Experience

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 3:1-5

While Paul was arguing that acceptance by God comes through faith alone, the Judaizers were teaching the Galatians that faith was not enough. They claimed that keeping God's law was also necessary to gain God's acceptance. Paul continues his argument to keep the Galatian people from drifting from the true Gospel. His argument includes: personal experience of grace and the Holy Spirit as a mark of secure acceptance.