Urgency of Love

Jim Leffel
Romans 13:8-12

In his series Christian Community in Crazy Times, Jim Leffel answers three questions: At the end of the day, what is the one thing that matters most?, Who is my neighbor? and How can we persevere in urgent love? These questions are incredibly relevant in light of the pandemic that is radically disrupting everyone's life now.

Three Components for a Health Church

Ryan Lowery
Acts 17:1-7

1 Thessalonians is written to a church in Thessalonica--a group of believers Paul reached after God gave him a vision of a man in Macedonia who was seeking God. Here Paul spells out three components of a healthy church: faith, their labor of love, and putting their ultimate hope in Jesus' return. These components give us a great model today to emulate in our Christian communities.

Keeping Deep Connections

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:9-21

With hope and confidence, Romans 12 addresses a very similar situation that our world is confronted with today. The world is isolated and fragmented for different reasons today than it was in Paul's day but the solution is the same; build social bonds with genuine love and without hypocrisy. The Body of Christ is uniquely equipped to offer a powerful solution to the craziness of the present times.

An Introduction to the Book of James

Mike Sullivan
Romans 12:9-21

The Book of James is different than most of the other New Testament books especially in its tone. Other writers of NT letters were balanced between what God has done for us and what we can do for God. James, on the other hand, focuses strongly on what we can do for God. He emphatically urges us to be doers of the Word. He was aware of the extreme need the dispersed believers were experiencing as they fled persecution in Jerusalem. His tone was different also because he was reaching a different audience than other writers. He was urging Jewish Christians to remove cultural barriers to the gospel so that the gospel could reach as many people as possible.

Walk the Walk

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:1-17

In this section of Ephesians, Paul focuses on practically applying who we are as children of God to ?walk the walk.? This comes as a result of truly knowing God and involves loving others Christ's way, living as lights in the world so that God may be visible through us, and aligning our priorities with God's.

Building with God (Part 1)

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 4:1-6

After spending three chapters on all of the amazing things God has done for us, Paul shifts his focus to what our response should be. God already laid the foundation for his church, and now he invites us to build on it by showing his love to the world as a group of believers committed to humility, gentleness, patience, and unity.

Our Strength

Ben Foust
Ephesians 3:14-4:1

Paul concludes his description of our ?riches in Christ? with an epic prayer that his readers would be strengthened and would comprehend God's boundless love for them. We will explore the relationship between this love and Paul's challenge to ?walk in a manner worthy.?

Jesus Subverts the Status Quo

Dennis McCallum
Mark 2:13-17

The religious consensus in Jesus' day called God's followers to avoid "sinful" people. Jesus decisively rejected this false teaching and replaced it with humility and love for all people.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:36

True freedom ? where can we find it? A comparison and contrast of the secular and Biblical views of freedom. Whichever view we embrace will have tremendous consequences for ourselves, our children, and our society.\r\n