Reaching College Students

Kelsey Shannan

Studies on generational trends in evangelism are shared, focusing specifically on the millennial generation. The best method for reaching this generation is with meaningful community that is built through personal investment, every person playing a role, high commitment, and equipping while maintaining a focus on the Word of God.

Evangelism for the 21st Century (Part 1) - Identifying Idols

Randy Newman
Acts 17:16-34

Evangelism in the 21st century is a unique challenge. Today, we face barriers that create a need for having more pre-evangelistic conversations, conversations in which we help people across different theological truths before ever arriving to the gospel. One specific barrier in evangelism is the problem of idols. We often have our own idols of comfort or peace that prevent us from sharing the gospel. But those who do not know God also have idols in their life that take reign in their hearts. Learn how to address these by following principles demonstrated by the Apostle Paul in his own evangelism.

Evangelism for the 21st Century (Part 3) - Quoting Poets

Randy Newman
Acts 17:16-34

As we prepare to share the gospel with those around us, we must be sensitive to the audience we have. While the gospel always remains the same, we need to adapt our presentation of the gospel to best fit the person in front of us. One way to do this is to quote their poets, or to use insights from their own music and movies as bridges to the gospel. If we have an accurate understanding of the "poets" of today's culture, we can use this to connect the truth to what people may already be seeing or believing.

Global Partnerships - Changing the Face of Eternity

Dave Glover
Lou Kassa
Acts 17:16-34

The gospel today is continuing to expand across the globe and through the spreading of house churches. The Western church can participate in the gospel's global advancement through global partnerships, collaborative ministries that promote apostolically gifted, indigenous leaders who are multiplying churches. This workshop describes the importance of these partnerships, the process of securing them, and the success of several partnerships so far. Aklilu Kassa shares about his own experience in this partnership as a partner in Ethiopia.

Living the Life of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:1-3

The author of Hebrews highlights the importance of exercising sacrificial love as a follower of Christ.. First the love for other believers in community is highlighted. The author then expresses the need for the church to love the non-believer as a group. Finally he encourages the church to endure as persecution continues to increase.

The Level Playing Field

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 2:11-22

The Author Paul gives the first command so far in the book of Ephesians - that the people would remember who they were before their relationship with God. It was God's intention to unite all people by first showing the world who he was through the nation of Israel. Now God intends to show the world who he is through the love of his people. When believers go out into our world we too need to remember our lives before we knew God.

God's Ways Always Triumph in the End

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 3:8-4:2

The idea that God blesses those who are righteous and punishes those who are wicked is challenged by our observations about the world around us. In an eternal sense, those who trust in Christ will ultimately win out. Though Christians may suffer in this life, they have the opportunity to share God's love with with confidence that it is worth it in the end.

Enduring Injustice

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 2:11-25

Inevitably, every Christian encounters injustice from others. Though our indignation in the face of evil is a correct response, we are meant to fight injustice by proclaiming the humility and love of Christ.

Fight the Good Fight

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 6:12-16

In his letter to Timothy, Paul encourages him to fight the good fight to manifest the truth and life of Christ. Jesus' sacrifice offers a new life that Christians most choose to live out. An understanding of the character of God is essential.