Foundation for Life's Purpose (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 1:1-14

We are designed by God for a purpose. When we come into a relationship with Christ we receive many blessings from God that are the foundation of our spiritual lives. We find security, acceptance, forgiveness, and so much more. God wants to continue to bless us as He works in and through us to accomplish His plan for the world. \r\n

The Humble Messiah

Dennis McCallum
John 12:12-34

We, like the Jewish people of Jesus' day, are ready to follow God only if He meets our expectations. This type of religious devotion is superficial and outward. Jesus did not meet the expectations of the people of his day. Instead of being a powerful ruler, he was a humble servant. He will come back one day and conquer Satan and the power of sin once and for all. We have a choice to lives our lives in sacrifice to others as well.

The Light of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 8

God is not looking for people who are free from sin and need no help. Instead, He is looking for people who are aware of their sin and willing to receive help. The blind man admitted that he could not see and needed the light of the world. The Pharisees, on the other hand, were blinded by their pride but thought that they didn't need help. Jesus will respond to those who admit they need help with freedom that leads to joy.

The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6

Moses provided the Israelites with bread that came from heaven and in this passage, Jesus explains that God is now providing them with the Bread of Life through Jesus himself. We have an option in this life to try to fill ourselves with temporary things or be fulfilled by a relationship with God through Jesus' death. Peter believed and experienced the fulfillment of a personal relationship with God through Jesus; so much so that he saw no alternative to the life of service he was living alongside Jesus.

Leadership in Missions

Holly McCallum
John 6

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called not only to share our faith at home but also abroad, as Jesus has a heart for all people and wants all people to come to know him. A good sign of a healthy church is one in which its members are both aware and excited about missions. For the most effective world missions, the church should be sending people who are already servant leaders and who have already gained ministry experience at home before attempting this in a more difficult field abroad. Today, we face challenges such as post-modernism which often views mission leaders as intolerant for trying to proclaim one truth to a people group and a self-focused approach to church. As believers who are being transformed by God into influencers, we can gain the proper equipping and attitude to overcome this and prioritize world missions. \r\n

Life Giving Leadership

Bruce Powers
John 6

Living a life of service in leadership means more than following certain rules or looking a certain way, spiritually. Life giving leadership consists of three actions: tell the gospel, do the gospel, and be the gospel. These reach deeper than just outward appearances.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus interacts with a Samaritan woman who was drawing water from a well. He reveals who he is by telling her things about her life. He claims he can give her living water. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she is so excited that she stops what she is doing and runs to town to tell people. Jesus offers salvation to all people, even those who think they are the worst sinners.\r\n

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

Isn't Freedom Dangerous?

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-21

Paul rebukes Peter for his hypocrisy and how his actions don't communicate the truth of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. The grace of God motivates people to obey God based on total undeserved acceptance and contrasts legalism, where acceptance before God is based on our works or by obeying the law. Once we know Christ, the new identity we have through his death allows us to serve God out of grace, and not push us towards a lifestyle of active rebellion and sin towards God.