Jesus' Family Tree

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:1-17

The genealogy of Christ shows that he was the descendant of Abraham and David, which is important because it fulfills God's promises to each of them. This was just one of many promises or prophecies about Christ's birth, showing that God went through a lot of trouble so people could know that Jesus was God's unique Messiah! Christ also came from a long line of sinners because he came for such people. This beginning of the gospel teaches that it's not about how good people are, but how gracious and merciful God is.


Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:1-17

God's wisdom revealed through His Word often comes across as counter-intuitive and foolish. Often, this is because human thinking is distorted against God's desires. God's wisdom was fully realized through the cross, which provides us with an ability to see real character change, acceptance, and reconciliation with God free of charge through Jesus. The message of the cross is profound and wonderful for those who have place their faith in Christ, but is offensive to those who don't want God's insight into their problems.

God's Work in Ephesus

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18

As the Christian movement in the area around Ephesus grows, three small, seemingly unconnected narratives are followed in Acts 18-19. Principles from these narratives are discussed and it's clear that God was supernaturally involved in these events. Expectations on if and how God will act are also discussed.

The Ephesian Experience

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18

Paul begins his third missionary journey and spends many years in the city of Ephesus. As a result of God's ministry through Paul, the Gospel spread throughout the whole region surrounding Ephesus. This movement spread from Paul to other people through household churches. The question ?how did this movement happen from house to house?? is explored as many cases in the New Testament of house churches are discussed, and contrasted with the traditional experience of temple religion. The New Testament example of dynamic Christian community is applied to the modern day.

Lessons from Corinth

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18

The ancient city of Corinth is introduced as the Apostle Paul travels from Athens to Corinth, in the middle of his second missionary journey. Because of the contention between Paul and his critics, Paul intentionally became a ?tent maker? to ensure no unnecessary boundary remained for Paul to share the Gospel. Biblical principles on money, sacrificial Christian service, and church finances are explored.\r\n

Paul's Second Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-41

Paul's second missionary journey is a historical narrative that illustrates how to serve God. This journey highlights six ministry principles: 1) timing; 2) contextualization; 3) discipleship; 4) leading and empowering by the Holy Spirit; 5) spiritual warfare; and 6) having the right attitude. Ministry is the most exciting thing people can be part of and experience in this life.\r\n

Paul's First Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:19-14:20

Paul and Barnabas travel on their first missionary journey to spread the Good News and perform miracles. In one city the people mistake them for gods and attempt to worship Paul and Barnabas. Paul immediately gives a defense for belief in the Creator God. Through external and internal general revelation God gives testimony of His reality and kindness. A close look at the cell gives evidence for design and a designer. Looking within ourselves reveals there is a desire for significance, moral motions, creativity, and love. There is evidence for belief that we are personal and spiritual beings created by a personal God. Paul and Barnabas suffer for the message of the Good News but continue to travel and preach the Gospel.\r\n

Paul: Steward of God's Mystery

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:1-13

Paul calls himself a steward of God's grace. We are entrusted with the same message, that was once a mystery but has now been revealed by God through Christ. Although we are not worthy, God works through us with His power to carry out His message and purpose!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

The Course of This World

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 2:1-9

The world we live in is fallen, a distorted version of what God originally intended. People are held in bondage, evil reigns, but God offers total help for our total need. We can come to Him in faith, turning from bondage to freedom!