What is Wrong with Humans?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2

All humans are born alienated from God because of their imperfections and live in rebellion against His loving leadership. However, God's love was demonstrated through sending Jesus Christ to pay for the sins of humanity. Through faith, all people can enter a free relationship with God through Christ on the basis of His grace, apart from anything we have to do.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

Paul's letter to the Ephesians begins with an emphasis on the new identity given to those who put their faith in Christ. This is a central message across Paul's letters and deeply impacts how we relate to God and others. Understanding and living out of our new identity is the key to real, lasting change in our lives. As Christians, we can rest in our adoption into God's family, the redemption we have through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness Jesus provided at the cross.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:3-10

Paul's letter to the Ephesians begins with an emphasis on the new identity given to those who put their faith in Christ. This is a central message across Paul's letters and deeply impacts how we relate to God and others. Understanding and living out of our new identity is the key to real, lasting change in our lives. As Christians, we can rest in our adoption into God's family, the redemption we have through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness Jesus provided at the cross.

Lifestyle Evangelism

John Rue
Connie Rue
Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus told believers to go and tell other people about him and the relationship God wants to have with them. One way the early church fulfilled this command was by the way they lived their lives, Day to day, they lived in a way that made others interested in God. It was effective and we are called to do the same. By the way we live our lives, we are either confirming the truthfulness of God or denying it. Find out what lifestyle evangelism looks like, why it works, and practical ideas on how we can incorporate it.\r\n

Making the Transition, Traditional to Home Group Centered Ministry

Gilbert Lennox
Matthew 28:18-20

How can a church make a change from a traditional church model to a home group centered model? Hear from Gilbert Lennox whose church did just that! He outlines what they, as a church, had learned so far in ten points for making the transition. Which includes pointing out the biggest challenges they faced: conceptual--figuring out and understanding what the New Testament vision of a church is--and leadership for the home groups.

Lasting Change, the CCDA Way

John Perkins
John 5:1-9

How can you create lasting change in your community? According to John Perkins, you cannot just preach the Gospel and expect everything to be fixed completely. You have to help others "pick up their mats and walk" just like Jesus told the man by the pool of Bethesda. There is a need for a holistic approach to Christian community development. Find out what this looks like and what practical steps you can take to get there in your community.\r\n

Leading Home Group Evangelism

Doug Patch
2 Timothy 2:2

How do you lead evangelism in your home church or small Bible study group? Doug Patch discusses seven critical elements: 1) leaders must win the group to God's perspective of the mission of the church; 2) group members must be committed to building relationships with Christians and non-Christians outside of Bible study meetings; 3) leaders must equip the members of the church to do evangelism; 4) leaders must lead evangelism by doing evangelism; 5) leaders must plan for planting churches from the beginning; 6) leaders must stay forward focused; and 7) home group structures must put non-Christians at ease.\r\n

A Credible Witness

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:16-18

Jim Leffel uses the example of Elijah and the Sidonian woman to issue this challenge: are we, as the Body of Christ, prepared to go where the gospel needs to be preached? God not only calls us into uncomfortable places that are overwhelmed and overrun with needs, He also calls us to learn from the very people we're called to serve. Leffel speaks frankly on our position of economic prosperity as the American church and teaches on how to handle wealth with maturity, humility, and under grace.

A Day in the Life for the Truly Poor

Clive Calver
1 John 3:16-18

Clive Calver teaches on how God is powerfully at work in even the most impoverished places around the world. He distinguishes between social action and social action with the saving power of Jesus. He testifies to thousands who have lost everything and still press on without fear because they have faith. Ruth Calver, his wife, shares about a visit to her Malawian friend who is blind, living in poverty, and dealing with tragedies such as losing her daughter to AIDS and caring for her granddaughter who is dying of AIDS. She instructed Ruth to tell people in America, ?Tell them what you have seen, tell them I love Jesus, and He is all I need.? Clive contends that while one person being impacted by faith may seem small, God usually starts small and reaches the nations through small victories of faithfulness.