Diligent in the Word

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:15-18

Paul imparts confidence in Timothy by reminding him of the importance, power, and relevance of Scripture. Like Timothy, when Christians are true to the Word of God, they gain clarity from God and closeness to Him. When diligent in this endeavor, Christians can build spiritual depth and spiritual relationships.

The Mystery Revealed

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-13

The mystery of Christ was revealed on earth and in heaven. It was God's will that all would be saved and called righteous because of what Jesus did on the cross. God created a plan through Jesus as the Suffering Servant and the King Messiah to give all people the opportunity to know Him. Because of God's great love He made himself known and made His grace available to everyone.\r\n

Jesus' Victorious Authority

Gary DeLashmutt
John 16:33

The normal Christian life is a life of difficulties and supernatural provisions. One supernatural provision is Jesus' victorious authority. Jesus has won the right to ultimately rule the world by dying for the sins of humanity. He has also won the authority to advance his mission through us. This results in peace and courage in the midst of tribulation for those who trust and follow him.

What's Wrong With The Human Race?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul contrasts God's love with the plight of humanity, i.e., physical and spiritual death. He explains the bad news resulting from human depravity and also describes God's solution to it. Because of His love and mercy God intervened by providing His Son Jesus to take on the judgment humanity deserves. It is by His grace that humanity is saved, not by works. After receiving this free gift, God gives His children the opportunity and privilege to do good works by sharing His good news with others.

Paul - Living for the Call of Christ

Gene Getz
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12

Through the life of Paul, Gene Getz talks about how we can live our lives for the call of Christ. He gives us principles to live by from Paul's formative years including what our lives should look like when we receive Christ's forgiveness. He also takes us through Paul's life in ministry and some principles for us to take from those years in Paul's life.\r\n

The Stewardship of Affluence

Jeff Gordon
1 Timothy 6:6-19

What is wealth, and is it good? Jeff Gordon gives a cultural perspective, as well as a Christian perspective on wealth and affluence. Using Jesus's life and view on wealth, Gordon gives us ways to lead regarding wealth.\r\n

Stewarding our Sufferings

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:24

We all suffer; what does God say about it? Gary DeLashmutt talks about how we can be a good steward of our sufferings. He talks about how through the cross God has made redemptive suffering central to His plan and His glory. DeLashmutt talks about why we can view our sufferings as a precious resource as well as how we can manage our sufferings to God's glory.\r\n

Conflict as a Stewardship

Ken Sande
Colossians 3:12-15

Does conflict have a place in advancing God's message? Ken Sande says yes, that we can use conflict as a stewardship opportunity to show people the Gospel. He says that forgiveness is powerful, and if we take what God has done for us and show it to other people, we will make a difference for God. Sande also gives some practicals on how to become a peacemaker.\r\n

What's Wrong with Humanity?

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 4:9-10

The world views believing that nothing is wrong with humanity (atheists, animists and pantheists) are contrasted to the biblical view that there are massive problems that have arisen from turning against God. Humans were made in the imagine of God, have turned against Him but have been given a free gift to be rescued back into a relationship with Him. The teaching concludes by contrasting religion to biblical spirituality.