The Claims & Case for Christ (Part 4)

Jim Leffel
John 5:25-47

Was Jesus the promised Messiah? The Messiah was predicted to come from Bethlehem, and during the exact time that he did through a prediction in Daniel 9. Through genuinely examining these claims, we can come to a firm conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah as he claimed.

The Claims & Case for Christ (Part 4)

Jim Leffel
John 5:25-47

Was Jesus the promised Messiah? The Messiah was predicted to come from Bethlehem, and during the exact time that he did through a prediction in Daniel 9. Through genuinely examining these claims, we can come to a firm conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah as he claimed.

The Claims & Case for Christ (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
John 5:25-47

Was Jesus the promised Messiah? The Messiah was predicted to be part of David's royal line; more than a man - a redeemer, a future ruler, and an example of God's love. Jesus fits the description in all of these areas.

The Claims & Case for Christ (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
John 5:25-47

Was Jesus the promised Messiah? The Messiah was predicted to be part of David's royal line; more than a man - a redeemer, a future ruler, and an example of God's love. Jesus fits the description in all of these areas.

A Picture of a Model Messenger

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Paul displays what a model messenger looks like in the church. Three aspects are shared about the model messenger: 1) explaining the gospel and the Word of God; 2) speaking boldly because they were convinced of the truth of their message, and their aim was to please God and not man; 3) their speech is gentle and vulnerable, but also tough and challenging.

Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:15

Paul models serving love for believers by describing his personal relationship with the Thessalonian church. His love for them is motivated by the gospel and characterized by integrity in ministry, reliance on the truth, correct motives for service, and the practice of personal discipleship. Serving love is more rewarding than receiving love from others because of its eternal value, and pursuing it leads to a fulfilling and joyous life.

The Logic of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Deuteronomy 30:3-5

God's grace has three components: faith, hope, and love. This faith is dependent upon God's self-authentication through fulfilled prophecies like the regathering of Israel, and it is also personal in the sense that people choose individually to start a relationship with God. God also extends hope to people through the promise of eternal life in heaven, and this hope provides Christians with joy in this life. Finally, love is the motivation for sharing God's grace with people who do not know Him and serving others in the church. These three components provide a firm foundation for the Christian life and reasons to learn more about Christ for those who are investigating the Christian faith.

A Conversation Under the Cloak of Darkness

Jim Leffel
John 3:1-21

Jesus urges the Pharisee Nicodemus to receive eternal life by being born again. Jesus' message was challenging as Nicodemus was a good man who followed his religious beliefs and was confused about how someone could be born again. Jesus explains that the only solution to the human condition of separation with God is to believe and make the personal decision to receive Jesus' life. No one can be good enough to earn eternal life. Jesus teaches we receive eternal life by believing and receiving God's love and forgiveness. This Good News is for everyone who believes.

Gathering the Inner Circle

Jim Leffel
John 1:19-51

John explains who Jesus is through the testimony of John the Baptist. He reveals what it looks like to personally seek, find, and follow Jesus through the lives of Peter, Andrew, and Philip. Emphasizing Peter's life, John shows Peter's sensitivity to Jesus, a time of testing, and a point of painful breaking. Following Jesus includes experiencing his grace, being defined by the future and not the past, and developing the same love for others that Jesus himself has.