The Power of God?s Word

Scott Risley
Isaiah 55:1-3

Peter exhorts his audience by telling them of the importance and power of God's Word. The Word of God: gives us life and lasts forever; sustains and stimulates our growth; renews our minds; convicts our hearts; nourishes our souls, and stirs our emotions. Peter says we should crave the word the same way a newborn baby craves milk.

Nichodemas & John the Baptist

Jeff Gordon
John 3:1-36

Jesus refers back to an event in the Old Testament when Moses lifted up a snake in the wilderness to be looked upon for personal salvation. Jesus likens himself to the snake, in such a way that he too will be lifted up and looked upon for personal salvation. We need spiritual rebirth which can only come through humble faith in Jesus Christ.

The New Birth

Gary DeLashmutt
John 3:1-20

When approached by Nicodemus, Jesus teaches about the new birth: an event that enables us to enter and perceive God's kingdom. Jesus makes it clear that each and every person needs this new birth. God makes rebirth available through His Son's death on the cross and it is received by faith in Jesus, no amount of works are sufficient. Even though the message is simple and just, many people refuse it out of a prideful moral fear of their life being changed and their sins being exposed.

Jesus' Work Begins

Jeff Gordon
John 2:1-22

Jesus begins his work on earth and starts performing miracles. His first miracle is to turn water to wine at a wedding in Cana. Jesus used the Jewish ceremonial washing jars as vessels for this miracle as a symbol of the importance of not just external washing but an internal cleansing. Jesus then displays his character and passion for God's house by clearing the temple courts. During this event, he also publicly predicts his death and resurrection.

Introducing Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
John 1:1-51

Who is Jesus? This is an important question for non-Christians seeking an informed faith in Jesus or for Christians trying to supplement their own knowledge of Jesus' life. There are seven titles of Jesus that help summarize his role and set him apart from other religious founders. Jesus is the only truth and the only one who knows our problems and yet still loves us and focuses on our potential as disciples; he will reward those who seek him with sincerity.

Who Is Jesus Really?

Lee Campbell
John 1:1-18

The Bible describes the Word as: ancient, a person, the creator, God, and human. All of these descriptions also explain the nature of Jesus. Jesus, the creator of the universe himself, chose to descend to earth and became human in order to gather people together for the purpose of knowing God personally.

Kingdom Multiplication

Ed Stetzer
Luke 24:46-49

There are four biblical principles that should propel the church into a multiplying movement. The first is that all people are sent into the world to share the Gospel. The second is that Jesus commissioned his followers to go to all people. The third is having a true understanding of the message that should be shared; the Gospel. The fourth principle is that in all this work God is the one who empowers you with the Holy Spirit.

Adorning the Gospel in Your Community

John Cleary
Luke 24:46-49

Christians are called to follow Jesus' example and stand out as people who represent the gospel. There are many open doors to adorn the gospel through words and deeds, and doing so glorifies God. This can be applied in neighborhoods, jobs, agencies, and even city-wide situations.

A Profile of Christian Conversion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church in 48 A.D. after having spent a few weeks with them. In the beginning of this letter, Paul focuses on five key elements of a person becoming a genuine believer in Jesus Christ: 1) God initiates with them; 2) God pursues people through His Holy Spirit, the gospel message of forgiveness and by human messengers; 3) a person makes a heart decision to turn from idols and serve God and acknowledge the need for His forgiveness; 4) when a person asks for Jesus' forgiveness, they are no longer under God's judgment; and 5) their lives are freed up to love other Christians, share Christ with others and have real hope for the next life.