Four Witnesses Testify About Jesus

Conrad Hilario
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus claims we can have eternal life through Him. He calls on four witnesses to testify about the truthfulness of this claim: 1) John the Baptist, 2) miraculous works, 3) the Holy Spirit, and 4) Old Testament scriptures. The prophecy in Daniel 9 is discussed as an example of the Old Testament validating Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Jesus' Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
John 20:1-31

Jesus is resurrected from the dead. He reveals God's plan for his relationship with humanity: 1) through Christ's sacrifice we can be in a love relationship with God; 2) Christianity is missional and purposeful; 3) Christianity is a religion of conversion. Jesus appears to his followers and they respond in various ways that highlight humanity's responses to Christ's resurrection as well.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus meets a woman at a well while traveling through the town of Samaria. This woman was rejected amidst society and had already had five husbands, and yet Jesus chooses to move towards her. During their conversation, Jesus explains that what the woman really needs is living water that will lead to eternal life. When the woman discovers who she is talking with, she goes and tells everyone in the nearby town. Jesus then tells his disciples that his real work is to accomplish the work of God and encourages them to do the same.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
John 3:1-18

Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus, a wealthy Pharisee and part of the Sanhedrin, who was both an important political and religious figure in Jesus' time. However, through their interaction, Jesus points out to Nicodemus his need of a new spiritual birth. Jesus then points out the need to believe the testimony of the Son of Man, and that whoever believes in the Son of God will have eternal life. This is the main message of the Bible for people today, that God in his love sent Jesus Christ to pay for all the moral wrongdoing of all people so that we could have a free, personal relationship with God.

Good News Comes to Philippi

Jim Leffel
Acts 16:11-40

During Paul's second missionary journey, he makes a stop at the city of Philippi. During their time at Philippi, they encounter many different people that all come to faith in Jesus. The first is Lydia, a wealthy and single woman selling purple fabrics that is seeking God. The second is a possessed slave girl that is liberated through the good news of God's grace and freed from her bondage. Lastly, the Philppian jailer, while initially uninterested and unmerciful, is shown mercy and comes to know Jesus after coming to the end of his self. Each of these encounters in Philippi reflect the principle that God meets us where we're at and provides us with what we need to find him.

The Word

Conrad Hilario
John 3:19-21

The importance of God's Word (the Bible), is described to two different audiences: the Greeks and the Jews, and the different reactions that the two audiences would have had. The purpose, meaning, and implications of the Word of God is described as intended by God.

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-12

John, a disciple and close friend of Jesus Christ, wrote this gospel to a Greco-Roman audience explaining who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is described by John as "the Word" or the direct revelation of God who is infinite, self-existent and personal and took on humanity for the sake of those who have rebelled against Him. He did this so that through his work on the cross, people could have eternal life. This teaching has a video clip from Joseph Campbell: "When God and Nature Are One."\r\n

The False Teachers

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 2:1-22

False teachers deny their Lord, work with a hidden motive, are arrogant, and construct their own "truth", such as fundamentally changing the idea of God's judgment. Humanity often has contempt for the idea of God judging, but only a just God can be truly loving. These false teachers have existed throughout history, and still do today.

First Mission to the Gentiles (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Acts 14:8-18

Paul and Barnabas perform a miracle in Lystra and are mistaken for Greek gods. Paul responds by preaching the gospel, pointing to the evidence God has provided through His creation. Through God's creation we see that He is personal and we as humans bear His image. Through knowing God we can find true fulfillment and significance!