A Servant's Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:21-25

Cultivating joy begins with cultivating a heart of gratitude to God for his generous grace toward us. A thankful heart is a joyous heart. In Christian community, when we are servants to one another, we will experience peace with God, delight in the truth, love relationships, and progress in our areas of struggle. The life of joy for a servant of God comes through a calculated decision that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Obtaining Joy in Affliction

Conrad Hilario
Acts 16:19-40

Paul was the most accomplished spiritual leader of his time before he met the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. After getting converted to Christianity, he became the most accomplished Christian leader ever. Ironically, he accomplished more for spreading the Gospel in the two years while he was a Roman prisoner than he did on his three missionary journeys. He was the ultimate model of obtaining joy in the midst of affliction. He discovered happiness and joy come from playing your part in God's plan.

Dimensions of True Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:1-8

What does it look like to live the Christian life in the framework of Christian community? Because of the crazy times we are living in today, we want to be deliberate in bridging the gap between where the lost and hurting people are and where there is real hope in Christ. Instead of being defeated by all the dismaying obstacles in our way, we can ask, "Where do I see opportunities to build up God's Church? Where can I share the gifts God has given me?" True spirituality recognizes what God has done and what it means to be His children.

Faith That Works

Mike Sullivan
James 2:14-26

When people say they have faith yet have no works, can that faith save them? James helps us understand how, even under God's grace, faithful "works" show our relationship with God.

What We Have in the Word

Mike Sullivan
James 1:18-25

When we are in the midst of difficult times, James calls us to realize what a treasure we have in the Word. Trials can lead to temptation to turn away from God's way and toward our own solutions. The Word is not like any other spiritual text, it is the power of God. If we realize what we have in the Word, receive it, and act upon it, then we will be blessed.

Servant Leadership

James Rochford
Mark 10:32-45

In a world full of selfishness and scandals, Jesus defines leadership as sacrificial serving--putting ourselves below others, willing to give of ourselves, not looking for power.

An Introduction to the Book of James

Mike Sullivan
Mark 10:32-45

The Book of James is different than most of the other New Testament books especially in its tone. Other writers of NT letters were balanced between what God has done for us and what we can do for God. James, on the other hand, focuses strongly on what we can do for God. He emphatically urges us to be doers of the Word. He was aware of the extreme need the dispersed believers were experiencing as they fled persecution in Jerusalem. His tone was different also because he was reaching a different audience than other writers. He was urging Jewish Christians to remove cultural barriers to the gospel so that the gospel could reach as many people as possible.

Leaving the Nest

Scott Risley
Mark 6:1-13

The disciples have spent over a year learning from the Master. Now it's time for them to go out and put into practice what they have learned. Jesus sends them out on their first mission and gives them specific instructions about how to serve as his representative. We'll study his instructions and draw application for our lives today.

Walk the Walk

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:1-17

In this section of Ephesians, Paul focuses on practically applying who we are as children of God to ?walk the walk.? This comes as a result of truly knowing God and involves loving others Christ's way, living as lights in the world so that God may be visible through us, and aligning our priorities with God's.