Waiting on God

Scott Risley
Romans 4:20-21

Abraham struggled to wait on God's timing in fulfilling His promises. Abraham had a son with Hagar when he felt he couldn't wait any longer on having a son. God came down and revealed to Abraham that this wasn't His plan, and He showed Abraham the magnitude of His promises. God showed Abraham that through his son with Sarah He would build a great nation.

God's Promise to Abram

Scott Risley
Joshua 24:2

God promises to Abram that he will make him into a great nation, all Abram needed to do was put his trust in God. Abram wavered between trusting God and making his own path in life. God kept coming through for Abram, as Abram saw this he decided to trust God more and more.

Lifelong Discipleship - Three Dimensions of Discipleship

Mike Woods
Colossians 2:2

Jesus called us to both be disciples and make disciples, meaning this is a key aspect of following Christ. Discipleship, however, is not something that is necessary just at one point in our lives. While the focus of discipleship changes over time, there are dimensions to it that are present in every stage of our spiritual lives.

The Final Road to Rome

Scott Risley
Acts 27:1-28:31

In the last chapters of Acts, we see Paul on his journey to Rome encounter a storm that blows his ship off course and threatens all lives on board. Paul takes this chance to demonstrate spiritual leadership in the face of a difficult situation. Paul is met with much discomfort on this trip to Rome to testify. We can ask ourselves what is our own threshold for discomfort in serving God, and what might God be doing in our lives when He allows difficulties.

Trials in Caesarea

Scott Risley
Acts 23:11-26:32

Paul seizes his moment on trial in Caesarea to give his testimony and reason from the scriptures to many high power individuals. We see how people respond to the Gospel differently but most importantly we see Pauls' dedication to the truth and perseverance through a long imprisonment in Caesarea.

Back to Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Acts 21:1-22:29

Paul embarks on his return journey to Jerusalem and encounters believers praying for him and concerned for his safety, knowing he will encounter opposition in Jerusalem. However, Paul knows that the Holy Spirit is leading him back, and is willing to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.


Scott Risley
Romans 8:9

Whenever believers in Christ go out into the world preaching the Gospel they will be met with opposition. Pauls' time in Ephesus was met with opposition in such a way and our lives should be no different. We learn about the reality of spiritual warfare and why we must be united in the Holy Spirit and ready with our defense from Scripture.

Lessons from Corinth

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:1-22

Paul arrives in Corinth by himself, but was led to Aquila and Priscilla, Jews exiled from Rome, and stayed with them making tents and persuading Jews and Greeks when not working his trade. When the Jews blasphemed Paul, he devoted his ministry to the Gentiles. When Paul became discouraged and feared for his life, he was encouraged by Jesus in a vision to not be afraid because He was with Paul.


Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

The Apostles demonstrate how to counter Satan's tactics of persecution and division by depending on God, resulting in the growth of the church.