Fanning the Flames

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:1-6

A zealous, excited response is normal for those who have encountered Christ. The un-energized Christian is a living contradiction. If our zeal for using our gifts dies down we can "fan the flames" using God-given means through practice, diligence, and urgency. We look at several keys to earnestness and how developing this trait has less to do with feelings and more to do with determination and urgency.

Running the Race (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 12:2-13

Continuing in learning how to run with endurance, two more keys are presented. The third key is to focus your attention on Jesus as an example and provider. The fourth is to cooperate with the trainer, knowing that He is motivated by love, and knowing that the benefit of running the race will come later.

Running the Race (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 12:1

God has a race for His people to run! It requires endurance and several key points. The first key is to get rid of all suitcases. These can be the sins that hinder us or the activities we do that aren't morally wrong but still slow us down. The second key is to get strength from other veteran runners. Characters from the Old and New Testaments, biographies of other Christian workers, and Christian workers God puts in one's life can be great sources of motivation and encouragement.

A "Thorn in the Flesh"

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 6:11-17

Paul had a thorn in his flesh that God allowed to be there, this thorn was a reminder to Paul that God's grace is sufficient for him. God will allow us to suffer in order for us to see our need for him in our life. We need to choose to depend on God with our lives to experience the fullness of His love and to powerfully be used by Him.

The Ten Plagues

Lee Campbell
Exodus 7:2-6

God causes 10 plagues against the Egyptians that directly correlate with the Egyptian gods. Many view the plagues as disturbing due to the judgement on the Egyptians. However, God rescues the oppressed in order to show His character through this situation. Additionally, God persuades the oppressor to show that He alone is God. In the hardship that people face, it might require patient enduring until God finishes His persuading of the oppressor. God will ultimately stop the oppression because He is just.

Background and Lessons

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 9:1-2

Paul was willing to share his faith in a culture that was full of immorality and greed. He knew God's message could speak to a people that was at the end of themselves. Paul wanted to win people to the Lord in this culture without giving way to the world system.

Praying for your Home Group

Joel Comiskey
2 Corinthians 9:1-2

Successful home groups are the result of diligence, which shows itself through prayer, evangelism, and community. Explore the different forms that diligence can take in several church examples and the ways that it will consistently be the same.

Justification & "Real World" Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

Our justification before God through Christ results in new spiritual realities. Now we have real peace with God, privileged access to God, and a future hope in heaven. When we encounter suffering in our lives, we can rejoice knowing that God is able to use it to transform and grow our character. As we grow in endurance and perseverance amidst trials, we can experience God's love and understand that it has eternal impact.

An Enduring Faith

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 12:1-13

Paul describes the Christian life with a multi-faceted comparison to a race. In one sense, the baton has been passed to us from those who have ran it before. In another sense, we are called to throw off hindrances as we run a marathon. The way we stay in the race is to keep our minds trained on Christ.