Two Crucial Decisions

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 10:9

In Jesus' ministry he calls on His disciples to make two crucial decisions. He calls on us to make these same two crucial decisions. The first is who do you say that Jesus is? Have you accepted Him as your personal Lord and savior? The second decision is the choice to follow Christ daily. This includes choosing to reject the right to run your own life in order to follow Jesus and choosing to endure hostility from others because of your loyalty to Jesus. Each decision we make holds great consequences when it comes to the outcome of our life now and in eternity.

Who is Jesus?

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1-2

There are a lot of different opinions on who Jesus is. However, Paul declares that Jesus is the King Messiah who has rescued us by purchasing our freedom with His own death on the cross. He is able to forgive us of our sins because He is fully God and fully man. Jesus has existed for eternity past and is sovereign ruler, creator, and sustainer of the universe. He is also the head of the church and His resurrection means that all who believe in Him will be raised from death into eternal life as well. And on top of all of this, Jesus wants to be reconciled to a close personal relationship with each one of us. Included is an interview showing various people's opinions of Jesus.

Who is the Real Jesus?

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1-2

Jesus has had an impact on every generation, but who was he really? Was he the pagan figure of the gnostic gospels, someone unknowable, or the Jesus of the canonical gospels? The evidence that he is the man the gospels claim him to be is overwhelming - he is a figure who can be factually and historically known. And as the gospels proclaim, he is still alive, so that we can know him in a personal way, too.

Old Testament Ceremony

Lee Campbell
Hebrews 10:1-4

Sometimes, before we will see spiritual reality, we need to hit rock bottom. Part of the purpose of the Old Testament Law was to show the problem that people have, and to point to the solution in Christ. Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of the symbolism of the Old Covenant.

Feeding a Multitude

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-3

Jesus fed more than 5,000 people with one man's lunch, and he claims to be God. Jesus offers us spiritual food that will satisfy our deepest spiritual needs. Jesus made it clear that he is the savior of humanity, and that salvation comes through him.

Jesus Stills the Sea

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 1:1-2

Jesus performed supernatural miracles and walked on water to show his disciples that he was God. God is powerful and in control of nature, when we put our trust in Him we can be secure that He is in control.

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

Gary DeLashmutt
John 20:30-31

Jesus made it clear that he was God through his actions, he healed a paralyzed man on the Sabbath. He was communicating to the Pharisees that he as God could work on the Sabbath, and that he had the power to heal broken and sinful people.

Christ Our Priest

Jim Leffel
Genesis 14:17-20

The message of the Bible hinges on an understanding of sacrifice; that we need a priest, who intercedes for us through substitution. The Old Testament explains that the priesthood was held by the Levites, yet Jesus with from the tribe of Judah. The way to reconcile Jesus' kingship and priesthood lies in the character of Melchizedek, and has two important implications: 1) the old priesthood is over, and 2) the new priesthood means we have constant intercession with God.

Why God Became Human

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 2:5-18

According to the Bible, man was made with incredible value and purpose, yet has insurmountable guilt and corruption. While we could never save ourselves, God sent Jesus to identify with us as a man in order to serve as our substitute. Jesus' became man in order to enable us to have: 1) a new family; 2) victory over death; and 3) the assurance that God can relate to us.