My Whole Life for God

Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Photo of Phil Franck
Phil Franck

Acts 2:46


Xenos' structure is centered around small Bible study groups called home churches. This model is Biblically based. The New Testament gives multiple examples of the early church operating "house to house." Countless New Testament principles such as the "one another" passages also indicate that the church must provide smaller group settings where relationships can grow between members so that they will be able to discover and meet one another's needs. Home church leaders should be developed before selection and then selected on the basis of character, knowledge, relationships, and ministry. Leaders should have four areas of focus: 1) their own growth in God's grace, love, and sanctification, 2) outreach to non-Christians, 3) Biblical community, and 4) discipleship. This teaching discusses a typical home church schedule and meeting format. Evangelism is often a weakness in adult home churches, for a variety of reasons. But it is also a vital part of a healthy home church's ministry. Evangelism can be done in two ways - "come and see" stepping stone events, where the lost are invited into Christian community to experience fellowship, and "go and be" evangelism, where Christians go out into the secular community to witness. Several examples of these types of events are given. This teaching also plays a video ( in order to comically show how shallow some small groups can be. The remedy to shallow community is discipleship. The product of successful discipleship is multiplication on both an individual and home church level.

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