Spiritual Growth under Trial

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Spiritual growth under trial takes a believer from the point of having begun a relationship with God to the level of a mature, strong follower who God can use in advancing His plan in the world. A believer who lives out James' teaching will be able to actively practice gratitude in the midst of trials, gradually become incredibly stable, be shaped by brokenness so God can use him more, and become wise.

Tourist vs. Explorer--Which are You?

John Cleary
James 1:1-8

Christians can go through life with the attitude of either a tourist or explorer, and which we choose can have a drastic effect on our life. A tourist attitude is casual and takes in whatever happens to pass by without much effort. By contrast, an explorer sets out to discover new things and has a specific direction. This affects many areas of life, including theology, relationships, the way we interact with God's Word, and may determine whether we finish strong in our walk with the Lord.

Four Ways to Fall for Counterfeit Christianity

Conrad Hilario
2 Corinthians 11:1-15

Paul writes to the Corinthian Church warning them about false teachers and defending himself and his message. Modern Christians must also be aware of the presence of false teachers and familiarize themselves with authentic biblical teaching and know how to identify false teaching when they hear it.

Counterfeit Christianity

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 11:1-15

Paul writes to the Corinthians about being wary of false teachers who distort the gospel. He defends the true gospel he preached by comparing his integrity and love for the Corinthians to others who want to get rich off them. False teaching is every bit as prevalent today as it was then and Christians should be prepared to refute it and evaluate a message by its content and the character of the messenger.

Suffering - Pastoral Care or Apologetics?

Pat Reeder
1 Peter 3:15

Unfortunately some of us have been perpetrators or victims of apologetics used during sensitive and difficult times that are cringe-worthy. How do we balance providing truth and biblical answers in times of suffering with being a caring and sensitive friend? This workshop helps practically break down scenarios and address appropriate responses to others' suffering based on timing and relationship, amongst other factors. As we learn some practical steps in both pastoral cases and apologetical cases, we become better equipped to provide thoughtful responses to others around us.

Creative Leadership

John Ross
Mark 12:29-31

Leadership in the Christian sense requires problem-solving, meeting unique needs, and helping improve the spiritual health of others around us. Thus creativity is imperative for success. Creative leadership is a biblical principal, and we would be wise to assess the components: passion, teamwork, wisdom, research, critical thinking and experience. This workshop explores both barriers to creative leadership as well as tips for growth in this area.

God's Wisdom and Tough Love

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 5:1-13

In Chapter 5 of 1 Corinthians Paul begins to get into the issues of this group and at the heart of it is the wisdom of the world versus the backward wisdom of God. Specifically, the wisdom of God applied to the area of "tough love".

Mental Transformation

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:22-26

Transformation begins in the mind. In this passage, Paul distinguishes between the natural man and the spiritual man. One cannot understand the things of God whereas the other one has the mind of Christ. When a believer allows his or her mind to be transformed, others aspects of their lives will change as well.

The Mind of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:14-18

When we meet Christ, there are many things that become true of us now that we are a child of God. The Bible talks about that we have the mind of Christ. We can understand spiritual truths in a different way. Paul explains more on this topic when he addresses the church in Corinth as they are faced with the wisdom of God versus the wisdom of the world.