The Gospel and the Nature of Faith

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:21-24

When Jesus calls a man to faith, he replies: "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief." Doubt is a normal experience, and challenges to faith can often strengthen it. There are four categories in which faith can be challenged and strengthened in this way: 1) in rationality; 2) individual experience; 3) values and the will; and 4) cultural factors.

The Book of Ruth: God's Redemption

Scott Risley
Ruth 1-4

Ruth was a Moabite widow with no children in the foreign land of Israel, but God redeemed and provided for her. God provided for her a husband in Boaz, an unconventional choice but one that worked because they passed four relationship tests: faith, suffering, character, and love.

Adultery in the Church?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:24

James teaches on the world system that his audience have given themselves to as a metaphor of adultery towards God. For us and for them, the kosmos is not designed to make us deny God, it is designed to replace God in our affections. When we try to move physical enjoyments from something to enjoy in life to something that's the basis for our lives it becomes distorted and can't deliver what we want it to. Ultimately we end up with an inner hunger for more and we become enslaved. God calls us to view the things of His kingdom as the focus of our hearts, and to hold little value in trying to fill ourselves with things of the world.

The Wisdom From Above or Below?

Dennis McCallum
James 4:1-3

We all have some tendencies to act in the wisdom of the world; as we grow with God, He is going to correct our hearts and minds as to how we act and react to the people around us. God is gracious and will reveal aspects of ourselves to us as we sit under Him in His word. Ultimately God is going to provide the change in our thinking, but it all starts with a saving relationship with God through His son's death on the cross for our sins.

Getting Ready to Give

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Are we willing to turn to God to seek wisdom in the midst of suffering? James talks about perseverance through trials and, with wisdom from God, to consider trials an opportunity for joy. We can turn to God who will give us the strength to make it through trials and shape us in our broken state to be used in His plans. God is going to provide for us if we are sold out for Him in our hearts and minds. When we are provided for through Him we are able to become grateful and able to give out to others who are also going through trials.

The Rise of Solomon

Scott Risley
1 Kings 1-4

King David is dying. Seeing an opportunity for power, his son, Adonijah vies for the crown of Israel, but God has another candidate in mind. Solomon, a man born of adultery and murder, is appointed by God and effortlessly seizes the throne.

A Heart of Wisdom

Jim Leffel
Psalms 1:2-3

This passage is a proverb or wisdom section of Jeremiah. It asks what is the heart and what is God's vision for transforming the heart. Jeremiah begins describing and contrasting two different ways of living: the cursed way (a desert plant) and the way of the Lord (a well-watered tree). The cursed way is relying on self as well as actively turning away from the Lord and results in deprivation, purposelessness, and isolation. The other way of living is choosing to trust in the Lord. In this lifestyle, the trusting flourish like a well-watered tree and are able to endure suffering because of their hope. The human heart has a disposition towards deceit and is naturally drawn towards the self-focused way of living. The way to save our hearts is to ask God in prayer to examine us as well as seek him out by reading his Word. \r\n

Knowing God

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 9:23-24

Jeremiah explains what it means to know God and demonstrate God, rather than boasting in our own wisdom, power, and riches. We know God through His initiative and provision of reconciliation, regeneration, and redemption. God's love is demonstrated by His mercy, His provision, and His blessing. Followers of God demonstrate His love to others.\r\n

A Biblical Meditation on Experience and Truth

D.A. Carson
Psalms 1

As D.A. Carson exposits Psalm 1, a few blaring questions come to mind. For one, the stark contrast between the righteous ones who meditate on God's Word and the wicked may seem too black and white for our modern experience. Through this lecture, however, Carson presents seven steps to process and think through Psalm 1. This includes understanding the different literary forms of the Bible, understanding how each genre works, describing Jesus' own parallel thinking, etc. Through this deeper, intellectual look through this psalm, we can truly gain understanding of meditating on the word. \r\n