Jesus and the Sabbath

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:1-11

When Jesus violated the Sabbath, the religious leaders were extremely offended. Jesus then explains that Biblical ethics are more about principles rather than strict laws. Christians today need to avoid turning good structures into terrible burdens by remembering the purpose they serve.

Leading People Toward Repentance

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 26:14-27:3

Repentance is an important aspect of the growing Christian life and having intimacy with God. All throughout the Old and New Testaments, biblical characters demonstrate what it truly looks like to have godly repentance and what it looks like to have worldly sorrow. While both of these may be preceded by feelings of sorrow or guilt, godly repentance brings us closer to God and includes us agreeing with God without minimizing our sin. As we examine other key differences, we can discern true godly repentance in ourselves and other believers.

Wisdom from the Proverbs

Ryan Lowery
Proverbs 3:13-35

In our age of information overload, our culture is still starving for wisdom. God offers His wisdom to us as His children throughout the book of Proverbs. Through the Proverbs we can see things as they truly are, through God's perspective. God wants us to have a teachable heart, to value His Word, and therefore be able to reap the benefits of His wisdom. \r\n

Keys to a Healthy Relationship with God

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Paul focuses on how to have a healthy relationship with God through prayer, rejoicing, and thankfulness. Paul also focuses on how we can be led by God: 1) with His Spirit; 2) with prophecy (speaking on behalf of God); 3) not quenching the Spirit and saying no to God's leading; 4) to discern what is from God and what is not by comparing it to Scripture; 5) being comforted by God's power and faithfulness.

Wise Words

Scott Risley
Proverbs 25:11-12

A significant theme throughout Proverbs is our speech and how we can use our words to bring either good or harm. The ability to speak is a significant and unique characteristic of God's image-bearers. When words are used in a godly and wise way, they can bring life, peace, instruction and encouragement to others. In contrast, words uttered by a foolish person can ignite fights, breed cynicism and bring death.

Wisdom and Friendship

Scott Risley
Proverbs 20:5

Choosing and cultivating friendships is a prominent theme in the book of Proverbs. Throughout Proverbs, there are warnings against befriending the fool. In contrast, it also highlights qualities of godly friendships, among those being loyalty, transparency, patience and generosity. The foundation of a good friendship is the fear of the Lord, receiving and giving His sacrificial love.

Wise and Foolish Speech

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 10

The most powerful tool for relating that humans have been given is our ability to relate through speech. The book of Proverbs makes it clear that we can use the powerful tool of speech wisely or we can use it foolishly. There are many ways we can damage one another by using foolish speech. The results can be devastating. Foolish speech can lead to a crushed spirit, dishonesty, and the destruction of people. Whereas wise speech leads to building one another up in encouragement and spreading the love and knowledge of God.

Wisdom Wealth and Poverty

Scott Risley
Proverbs 23:20-21

Wealth is a prominent theme throughout Proverbs. In fact, Proverbs says the most about wealth and poverty than any other book in the Bible. Various proverbs, observations, and principles on why some people are wealthy while others remain impoverished are discussed. Proverbs also warns us about greed. Teachings from the New Testament regarding the dangers of wealth are included. Listeners are encouraged to read Ron Sider's book "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger" for more insight on the issue of poverty.

Wise Tips On Friendships

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 17

There are a number of ways to relate to one another that are shared throughout the Proverbs. To gain strong and close relationships with other people Proverbs describes that we should be people who are loyal, trustworthy, giving, honest and willing to discipline in love. Relational skills like this are learned in the Body of Christ. Like these characteristics that bring success to relationship there are also a number of qualities we can have that spoil relationships.