Love in Community: Setting Limits

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 2:5-8

The cultural view of love and God's view of love are quite different. Our culture views love as an emotional connection while God views love as a choice to act for the benefit of someone else. God's love includes discipline which we do in order for the good of a brother or sister in Christ.

Spiritual Radicalism vs. Mediocrity

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:28

Paul gave up a comfortable lifestyle in order to serve God with his whole life and share God's love with other people. When we approach our relationship with God in an attitude of self interest we will often become lukewarm. God's love and truth is meant to be shared and when we go out and share this message, as Paul did, we can experience God powerfully working through us.

Righteous vs. Unrighteous Judgment

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:14

We lack the ability to judge ourselves from an objective point of view, however God can judge us objectively. We should let God be the ultimate judge of our lives. In clear issues of moral failure we are called to discipline other believers in love.

Mental Transformation (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:13-14

God has given us His Word as reliable truth that we can continually turn to. When we act on God's truth and study His Word we begin to grow into mature believers. God's Word feeds us like milk feeds a baby, moving us towards maturity.

Mental Transformation (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 17:23-28

God made it clear that Christians are called not to conform to this world as we search for truth. God's truth is not relative but universal. However, we are able to conform to our culture on non moral and non truth based cultural norms. We are called to be in our culture, but not shaped by it.

Sexual Purity

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul speaks about God's design for sexual purity. The Bible defines sexual immorality as all sexual relations outside heterosexual marriage. Common rationalizations to this truth include: 1) Paul's instruction is personal opinion or cultural, and therefore not authoritative; 2) suppression of sexual desire is unnatural and harmful; 3) sexual relations between consenting partners is not harmful; and 4) sexual purity is unconnected to spiritual vitality. God's provision for restoration in this area includes forgiving our guilt and healing our wounds.\r\n

The Backward Wisdom of God

Dennis McCallum
Romans 12:2

God's wisdom stands opposed to the wisdom of this world; Jesus lived a life of self-sacrifice and love while our world calls us to be self-protective. God has given us the truth about this world, are we willing to accept His view of this world?

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:1-4

Toward the end of human history, people will become increasingly selfish and concerned with satisfying their own desires. Spirituality, then, will follow suit and feature doctrines that are centered on increasing self-esteem, pleasure, and prosperity. This new spirituality will even redefine truth as individual and validated by one's own feelings instead of external sources. The Bible's message of forgiveness only through Jesus Christ, however, is the message that can best meet people's needs, and Christians should boldly preach, declare, and apply God's Word to the watching world.

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:12

Towards the end of human history, humanity will turn towards selfishness and a growing coldness towards other people. This trend will produce religion that is centered around meeting people's felt needs rather than the truth, but unfortunately this type of religion will not relieve the legitimate guilt that people feel or meet people's true relational needs. Authentic Christianity, however, features direct revelation from God through the Bible, and this revelation is both powerful and accessible. All Christians are capable of learning the truths of the Bible and becoming convinced of its validity and usefulness through personal interaction with God and study. A video testimony from Kyle Hanser is included.