Seven Letters

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3

Jesus dictates seven letters through John, the Apostle. These letters, while originally addressed to seven churches, hold timeless truths that apply to us now. They cover what it looks like to have an imbalance when relating to Jesus, to be dangerously self deceived in our relationship with Jesus, and what it looks like to see real success when persevering in tough circumstances. Those who are faithful and overcome will one day be rewarded.

Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7

Jesus makes some serious claims throughout the Bible, including that his words come from God. The people of Jesus' day responded to these claims by trying to make sense of who Jesus was. We all have a decision to make about who we believe Jesus to be. Some responses to this question are far more reasonable than others.

The Spirit of Freedom (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:16-25

As we seek to grow spiritually, we encounter two competing agendas: the spirit and the flesh. The desires of the flesh are often motivated to put self first and will cause damage within our relationship with God and others. In order to combat this, we must take our thoughts captive against the fleshly thoughts and attitudes and ask for God's help to walk in line with His Holy Spirit as we live based out of God's Word.

faith vs. FAITH

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:17

A royal official, in great desperation, seeks out Jesus to heal his dying son. As a result, Jesus challenges the basis of people's faith. Signs and miracles are not sufficient for long lasting personal faith. Real faith is fostered and grows when we entrust ourself to God because He is trustworthy. Like the royal official, when we put our faith in God we can act on His promises and commands. God blesses our steps of faith.

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-14

The Word has always existed with God. The Word is creator of nature, not a part of nature. If God is nature, He would be guilty, nature would be as it should, there would be no basis for struggling with evil, and there would be no need for forgiveness. Jesus is the Word.

Christianity in Crisis

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:1-10

The Apostle Paul argues for the truth found in the Gospel as legalistic Judaizers were trying to distort God's message of salvation in Galatia. The true Gospel says that humans are incapable of being righteous before God, but through Jesus Christ they can have eternal life by asking for God's mercy to apply to them. The false teachers Paul was combating added obedience to the law as means to salvation and growing with God, a theological debate that has plagued Christianity. The difference between works and faith is wide-spread in areas including: 1) our approach to God; 2) our acceptability; 3) our spiritual state; 4) the real issue between us and God; and 5) the power to live.

What Does Spiritual Maturity Look Like?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:3

Paul explained that trusting in the Lord and rejoicing in Him are not the fruit of happiness, but they are the means of attaining joy. When we face our anxieties how much of the time are we forgetting to put our trust in the Lord and/or depending on Him? This was key for Paul in his fight against anxiety in times of severe persecution.

Profile of an Effective Ambassador

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Paul highlights a few ways that we can be effective as Christ's ambassadors: 1) not discrediting the ministry; 2) radical Commitment; 3) attractive spiritual qualities; and 4) enjoying paradoxical results. If we are committed to conducting ourselves in every arena as representatives of Christ, eager to volunteer ourselves for His service, and able to apply and live out God's Truth in our lives, we will be able to endure what others say to the message of Christ, knowing that our faithfulness is to Christ not people.

History's Final Chapter (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Mark 13:9-37

Jesus speaks to his disciples on the Mountain of Olives about the end times. He now begins to speak about specific details that will announce his second coming. The purpose of this prophetic teaching is to give the disciples confidence in God's ability to fulfill prophecies, and to warn them about that which is to come.