Difficult Conversations

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 7:2-11

Paul's message to the Corinthians highlights the important elements of having difficult conversations. The basis for these types of conversations is a committed, Christ-centered relationship that seeks the good of the other person. The content of the conversation is one of correction over condemnation, while valuing the personal identity of a person in Christ. With God at the center of people's lives, we can express confidence in people's ability to move towards Him. These types of conversations are outcome oriented, seeking to see people restored to God while remaining direct and without apology, standing on His truth.

Identification & Separation

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 6:1-18

Paul highlights the tension of Christians being engaged in the culture around them while remaining distinct. Christians that are committed to God's Will for their lives will stand out against the values and priorities of the culture. However, as they view how God sees other people, they are able to love those around them and show Christ's love authentically to all types of people. Radically identifying with people's interests while remaining distinct in our moral and spiritual priorities can help God shine through our lives into others who need Him.

Being Ambassadors

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Knowing God and what He did for us through Christ impacts our interactions with others. Convinced Christians see the importance of effective persuasion to help others see their personal need for Christ. This type of motivation comes from the love God and affects our view of others as we begin to understand the love God has for people. As a result, we see the urgency to play our role as trying to help people become reconciled to God through Jesus Christ as Christ's ambassadors.


Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6

Paul shows that the basis of Christian's adequacy comes solely from God. Christians are competent and adequate through God to serve in the new ministry of grace by the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. This sense of God-given adequacy allows others to sense God's presence in our lives and provides us with assurance to serve Him and others based on God's stamp of approval through His Son. As we live this way, the sincerity of what God has done in our lives is made more evident.

Getting Real

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:1-4

Paul's desire to see the Corinthians again highlights characteristics of their relationship. Paul's relationship with the Corinthians could be described as high-risk with close-bonds. He was genuine and clearly communicated his love for the Corinthians, shared deep compassion with them, was convinced of this relationship based around God, and encountered much joy and confidence in them. These types of close relationships are effective and satisfying and should be the general trend within Christian community.

Jesus Steps Out

Dennis McCallum
Mark 1:9-13

Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist reflected that he would take over the work that preceded him by the Old Testament prophets. Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan describes the intense spiritual battle that we, as Christians, are a part of. In order to be successful in spiritual warfare, Christians need to be rooted in God's truth to dismantle Satan's lies and have dependence on the Holy Spirit's power during times of temptation. Jesus was now ready to begin his ministry to tell people about the forgiveness possible through him.

Freedom Manifesto

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 1

The church in Galatia was being invaded by false teachers proclaiming that grace was not enough; extra works were needed in order to be saved. Paul explains the real gospel - that we are saved by faith in Christ alone, and gives his evidence for why this message is real truth that we must confront. Paul was not preaching the gospel in order to please men, but because he knew his message was from God.

More Than Words on a Page

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God is the resource God wants to build into our lives that will enable us to effectively engage in victorious and fervent love for one another. This passage describes the Bible as the final and living Word which we need to feed on. God speaks to our deep inner life through His Word and transforms us from the inside out. As we feed and act on the Bible we can hear from God, start to think His thoughts and have something substantial to bring into our relationships.

Learning Through the Da Vinci Code (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 4:12

Who is Jesus? The Da Vinci Code proposes that Jesus was purely human and made to look divine; he was much different than the figure in the Bible. We look at the nature of Jesus and the misconception that he was married to Mary Magdalene.