All Christians Competent to Counsel

Amy Moreno
Exodus 34:6

There is a common myth that the problems people face are too much for God's community to counsel. As we look in the Bible we see many examples of how God works with people as the great counselor and we can follow His lead. There are four areas all members of God's community can grow in becoming affective counselors: listening, compassion, speaking the truth, and wisdom. It is also important to navigate when a person should seek professional help.

How to Motivate People

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 34:6

Motivation is different for Christians than it is for people in the world. Christians need to be convinced and motivated by Biblical truth. To be fruitful in motivating you must instruct, persuade, and convince people of the urgency of Biblical goals. You must also be prepared to speak truth and solve problems that would hinder someone from being motivated. Once someone has committed themselves to the goals of the Bible, it is imperative to continue to nurture ongoing motivation.

Community & Commitment

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:1

Radical commitment to Christ is the substance that attracts people to Him and grows people into maturity. To cultivate commitment in a group it takes creating environments for people to spiritually thrive. The most important element to cultivate commitment is maintaining passionate commitment to Christ in your own life. This is a process that at times calls for challenging conversations and radical dedication to the simplicity of devotion to Christ.

Growing Together

Jeff Gordon
Ephesians 4:1-16

As individual believers, we are God's masterpiece and are called to live a life worthy of the new calling we have received. This calling includes equipping other believers around us and speaking the truth in love. Speaking the truth in love is difficult today, because our culture disregards the reality of truth and the call for people to speak into our lives. But as God's witness and His messengers, we must work to develop churches and communities that do speak the truth in love, for which there are several practical steps.

Genuine Faith

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 13:5-8

Paul challenges the Corinthians to examine the genuineness of their faith. Biblical faith is rooted in objective reality based on God's revealed truth and is also deeply personal. Faith is also a position of held belief to what is actually true, based on evidence and reason. As people invite God into their lives through Jesus Christ and begin to walk by faith, they can experience a deep sense of connection and a transformed view of others. Biblical faith is the catalyst for real character transformation and for vibrant Christian community.

Guard What has been Entrusted to You

Tom Dixon
2 Timothy 2:2-7

True spirituality is caught and taught within the context of close, intentional relationships. This is the main method of evangelism that was used by Jesus and the early church fathers through multiplication. Modeling this method involved entrusting sound doctrine about grace to reliable men.

The Sacred Deposit of Truth

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:13-2:2

God has entrusted us with the precious treasure that is the Word of God. It is our responsibility as Christians to accurately impart the Word to other reliable Christians. The best way to impart this truth is by working one-on-one with individuals and studying the truth in the context of a close friendship. We call this discipleship. Through discipleship, we can multiply the amount of quality Christians that are committed to sharing the truth with others.

The World of Ideas (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Amidst spiritual warfare, it's vital to remember the importance of the mind. Taking our thoughts captive requires a deep understanding of the power of God's Word, along with our minds being shaped by what His Word says. As we conform ourselves to God's Word, we will be able to discern false thinking and combat it with His truth.

The World of Ideas (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

There is a deep spiritual divide in the world concerning what is objectively true. Amidst a whirlwind of ideas, it's important as Christians to stand firm on God's truth as they are opposed by different ideas, beliefs, and convictions that push people farther away from Him. In this spiritual war, our mind plays a crucial role in distinguishing the cultural views of others and how they stand against what God says, as well as distinguishing ways in which we ourselves can fall away from God's truth. Believing and living out of God's revealed Word produces real freedom to stand on in a world full of ideas that go against what He says. This teaching includes a clip from the movie Amistad.