Spiritual Power in Collision

Dennis McCallum
Acts 3:1-4:31

Peter and John heal a lame man, giving Peter an opportunity to speak to the crowds concerning God's plan of salvation, revealed through the Old Testament prophets and culminating with the revelation and message of Jesus Christ and the eternal life he offers to everyone. As a result, Peter and John encounter persecution from the Saducees as they have to defend this miraculous healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. This miracle was used by God to authenticate Jesus, along with the use of fulfilled prophecy. In light of the persecution of Peter and John, we should view persecution for the sake of Christ as good and worth pleasing God for, as we rely on the boldness from the Holy Spirit to be spokespeople for God.

The Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 2:44-47

Following Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit's permanent indwelling of believers, we see the dynamic Body of Christ at work. The early church was dynamic for several reasons, including: 1) generosity and sacrificing for others needs; 2) having a corporate unity of heart and mind; 3) interacting in both small and large groups, where large groups were dynamic and exciting and small groups allowed for deep intimacy and relational involvement; 4) authentic community that was sincere about the time spent with one another; 5) active gratitude, praising God regularly; 6) integrated with the culture around them; and 7) outreaching to others with the message of Jesus' forgiveness. These qualities have disappeared throughout the majority of the Western Church because of materialism and different priorities. This type of ethos within the church is powerful in demonstrating God's power and love to others.

A New Community! (Part 1)

Scott Risley
Matthew 18:19-20

What does this community of new believers in Acts look like, and how does it compare to us today? There is a uniqueness of a community that is united in the Holy Spirit and under the truth of God.

The Body of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 2:41-43

Following the day of Pentecost and arrival of the Holy Spirit, the period where God uses the church or the Body of Christ, the culmination of all believers in Jesus, begins. This was the most dynamic and spiritual period in the history of the followers of Jesus. From the beginning of this new period in God's plan, we see many vital qualities in the Body of Christ: 1) contentment, as Christian community is grounded in truth; 2) relational, as there is now a basis for real closeness with one another; 3) reflective, being quick to remember God's work and purposes; 4) God-centered, taking part in corporate prayer; and 5) amazement, as they were in awe of what God was doing in their midst. A healthy Christian community that reflects these qualities is a supernatural act of God.

How to Fight the Lion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 5:5-11

Peter describes three ways we should expect Satan to attack Christians and the resources God gives us to fend him off. 1) Satan tempts us to be prideful and God's "antidote" is humility through remembering and applying the gospel. 2) Satan tries to deceive us by killing or misdirecting your enthusiasm for God and God provides the bible and Christian community. 3) Satan tries to intimidate us and God allows us to stand firm in faith on the truth He has provided. Finally, Peter encourages Christians be watchful of Satan, but to keep their focus on Jesus.\r\n

The Reliability of Scripture

Ryan Lowery
2 Timothy 3:13-4:5

The Bible claims to be the owner's manual to the human soul, and a claim like that deserves to be scrutinized. Paul uses two different lines of reasoning to affirm this claim: 1) the Bible comes from God, and 2) it's effective when we follow it. We can be confident that the Bible comes from God because of the person of Jesus Christ. Second, we see that when we follow scripture, we realize that it makes sense; our experiences validate our confidence in the Bible as well.

Spiritual Dynamics of Holiness

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

Peter encourages believers to be holy. Holiness means living every aspect of life in the way God designed it. Peter discusses two key dynamics of holiness:1) holiness begins when we experience spiritual rebirth; and 2) holiness grows through loving community and craving God's Word.\r\n

The Attraction of the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Mark 1:14-28

When Jesus calls Simon and Andrew, he points to his unique authority as he calls them to a relationship and a life of purpose. Their response shows that discipleship involves surrender, that experience follows action, and that Jesus calls people as a community. Jesus' authoritative teaching and spiritual power also drew people to follow him.

What's Wrong with the Religious?

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 7:1-11

Jeremiah warned against having a religious mentality. The Israelites were taking false security simply because they were near the temple. 3 ideas were discussed: 1) the temple was a symbol that represented justice and mercy and the presence of God; 2) having a religious mentality flows from a lack of compassion and leads to narcissism; 3) religious passion should come from a sincere heart and seek truth.\r\n