Different Interpretations of Creation

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 1-2

Many are skeptical of the creation account found in the Bible because it can appear to contradict science. A variety of different approaches have been advanced with significant strengths and weaknesses. Even though we can't be sure which interpretation is the right one, it is possible to harmonize Scripture with scientific observation. More importantly, the primary purpose of the creation account is to assure us that there is a God who created us, loves us, and has a will for our lives.

Teaching from the Psalms

Lee Campbell
Psalms 131:1-3

The Psalms featured in the Bible are rich and complex. To better understand them, we must take a closer look at Hebrew poetry, its imagery, and its parallelism. With this background, we can study and analyze a particular psalm. This includes praying and meditating on the passage, reading it several times, noting its features, preparing a summary, and identifying key truths. Finally, we can prepare to teach the Psalm by translating it, which brings forth application.

Ministry of the Word

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 4:12

The central priority of the local church should be the ministry of the Word. All members must be taught about the importance of knowing and understanding God's Word. Churches that move away from prioritizing God's Word struggle to accomplish God's purposes. Throughout scripture, we see God prioritizing this principle.

The Discipling Church

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:13-14

Scripture makes it clear that God's desire is to see every member of His church grow into maturity. This can be accomplished through successful discipleship relationships. To be a strong disciple-maker a large focus should be on character qualities and a focus on the inner life. God's Word is crucial for this to occur. It is in God's Word where we can motivate others towards God's goals with true conviction. In the Word lies the power for true character change.

The Law and Christian Ethics

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:23-48

Jesus teaches on the relationship between the Law and understanding what is morally right and wrong. The overarching principles of God's Law are rooted in His character and show where the priority of focus should be in the lives of Christians. This was particularly meaningful because the audience of Jesus included Pharisees that were more focused on following the law versus living out the prioritized principles of God seen through His Law. Through Jesus' teaching, we see that God cares about a lifestyle of sacrificial love, as opposed to selfishly taking from others.

Jesus and the Law

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:17-48

Jesus continues to oppose the self-righteous standard set from the Pharisees. Jesus discusses that his purpose was to fulfill the Law and discusses the weighty expectations of the law, including topics like murder, adultery and more. The sermon ends with a call to be perfect as God is perfect, exposing the problem of humans trying to meet God's righteous requirements. Jesus gave his audience two options: obey the law of God and enter into his eternal award or give up the self-sufficient attitude and receive the forgiveness of Jesus for eternal life. Jesus became the law giver and the fulfillment of the law so that we wouldn't have to.

The Sermon on the Mount (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:9-16

Jesus continues to speak on happiness as he opposes the self-righteous Pharisees of his time. He explains to his audience that attitudes of: enduring persecution, being peaceable, and living in a way that is attractive to those who do not know God are what can ultimately lead to a blessed or fulfilling life. When Christians forsake selfish interest and focus on living lives that are centered around loving others and reflecting God's Truth in their words and action, our relationships with one another, and more importantly with God, will be very fulfilling.

The Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:9-14

Jesus teaches on the Sermon on the Mount and opposes the view of the Pharisees that real spirituality comes from external conforming to rules and regulations. Instead, Jesus teaches first on the "Beatitudes" or the attitudes that should be cultivated in a relationship with God, all of which go against the self-righteous,self-centered attitude of the world and the Pharisees during Jesus' ministry. Jesus' picture of a blessed life would be exemplified by humility, transparency, kindness, and a yearning for God. These attitudes go directly against the self-righteous mentality of Jesus' culture and our culture today.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 4:1-10

Jesus is confronted by Satan in the wilderness after 40 days in the desert. Satan tries to tempt Jesus to become spiritually autonomous instead of depending on God, twisting scripture to try and trick Jesus and worshiping him instead of doing God's work in God's way. Each time he was tempted, Jesus responded to Satan's accusations with scripture, an important decision within spiritual warfare. This confrontation between Jesus and Satan demonstrates the importance of relying on the truth of scripture and depending on the Holy Spirit's power amidst spiritual warfare.