Breaking the Tide of Falsehood

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy about the end times and the false teaching that will infiltrate the church. He encourages Timothy to be in the Word and to avoid myths propagated by older women. Being diligent in the Word is the safeguard against false teaching. Teaching refers to Kroeger and Kroeger's book "I Suffer Not a Woman".

A Vision for Christian Leadership (Part 2)

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 3:1-11

Paul writes to Timothy on more qualifications of an elder. Some of these characteristics are "to have a sharp mind...and are not given to drunkenness", we look at what the Bible says about alcohol and why this is a qualification for being an elder. There are many areas that God seeks to grow in potential leaders and Paul lists out many of them throughout this chapter.

Men, Women and Leadership

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 2:1-15

In this chapter, we look at some controversial passages regarding women in the church at Ephesus. These teachings have been twisted and used to sordid gain in the centuries since Paul wrote this. We learn how to interpret scripture with scripture and see what God's truth has to say on women in leadership, discipleship, and purpose in the body

Strategies for Men and Women in Ephesus

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 31:16

Paul instructs Timothy on how men and women should behave within the church. Traditionally, this passage is interpreted that women cannot teach or lead meetings. Through the guiding principles of hermeneutics and learning Ephesian culture, we see that Paul is actually correcting a common false teaching that was gaining popularity. Therefore, Paul is not expressing that women should not teach or lead the church. Teaching refers frequently to Kroeger and Kroeger's book "I Suffer Not a Woman: Rethinking 1 Timothy 2:11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence" as an important work in helping to understanding this passage.

Remaining in the Center

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:1-5

On the outside, Timothy appeared to be weak and timid, but God was able to make him into a spiritual leader. In his letter to Timothy, Paul urges him to ensure that the central message of Christ is emphasized. False teachers were trying to emphasize esoteric teachings that have no value. A community that emphasizes the right things is able to be used powerfully by God.

The Real Meaning of the Law

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:24-25

Paul instructs Timothy about how to approach false teachers who are inaccurately using the law. Paul reviews for Timothy the purpose of the law: to show humanity how they fall short of God's perfect standard and that they need a savior. Humans can only gain righteousness through grace, not by following the law. The law also defines what is sin.

A Burden for Balance

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:19-22

In 62 AD, Paul writes to his ?true son in the faith? Timothy, whom he left in Ephesus. Paul left Timothy there to correct false teaching that was spreading throughout the church. He encourages Timothy to remain faithful to the Word out of love, a good conscience and a sincere faith. The value of the church being firmly rooted in the Word is vitally important.

Keeping your Spiritual Edge

John Cleary
Philippians 2:19-22

Keeping your spiritual edge in the spiritual war includes understanding three things: 1) the reality of the war; 2) the description of who the war is with; 3) having a personal Combat Field Manual to fight with. God's word is our weapon and it is essential to read it daily. There are many approaches in developing a personal Combat Field Manual but the important thing is to do it. To stand firm and fight this battle we need to have a mind to engage in the war.\r\n

Building Unity with Other Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-16

Because of God's great love for us, Paul encourages us to embrace a lifestyle of loving other Christians by building relational unity. The local church cannot effectively accomplish its mission of reaching others for Christ and we cannot grow spiritually without a network of unified Christ-centered friendships. By helping each other be filled with the Word of Christ and by persevering with one another despite our messiness and sinfulness we can cultivate a lifestyle of love toward other Christians.