Our Approach to Scripture Matters

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:1-2

In order to adopt an authentic Biblical lifestyle, we need to learn to interpret scripture accurately. By looking at the historical context and paying close attention to what the author says, we can arrive at much deeper conclusions. As we allow truth to affect our lives we are likely to encounter opposition from our culture. This is why we need to take a stand on the spiritual reality outlined in the Bible, and remember that our citizenship is in heaven.

The Righteous Sufferer

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 53:5-56

A remarkable, messianic psalm predicting Jesus' experience on the cross. Written over 1,000 years before His crucifixion, this psalm was known and sung by the Jews. When Jesus cried out on the cross, ?My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?,? He was trying to get their attention that this prophetic psalm was being fulfilled. This is incredible evidence for the Christian faith -- will you pay attention to His death on the cross?

Introduction to the Psalms

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 13:25-14:9

This psalm is about the benefits of meditating on the Word of God and applying it in everyday life. Two examples of people having God's viewpoint when others had only a human viewpoint are discussed. David who was immersed in the Word, had a history of faithfulness to God and believed God would empower him to kill Goliath when no one else did. Likewise, Joshua and Caleb believed God that they could enter the Promised Land and defeat the giants when the other ten spies did not.\r\n

The Word of God

Ryan Lowery
Nehemiah 8:1-18

The people of Nehemiah's day found that they wanted to do the will of God, but were largely ignorant about the Scriptures. In order for the Word of God to have its proper effects, we must allow the Word to impact us intellectually, to affect our hearts, and to move us forward into action motivated by love.

Staying Centered in Christ

Ryan Lowery
Nehemiah 6:1-16

In Christian service, a common tactic from the enemies of God is to try to bait us into extreme reactions. But Scripture calls us to an even-keeled approach where we are centered in the truth. It is looking at the cross that helps us to avoid extremes.

Christ and Culture

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 2:8-15

Many accuse the Bible of promoting negative cultural trends such as sexism. However, when interpreted correctly, the Bible upholds progressive and revolutionary cultural values that can form the basis for social change.

Challenges to Spiritual Leadership

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 4:1-16

As a relatively inexperienced and young leader, Timothy had a variety of challenges to his leadership. Paul offers six pieces of advice: 1) don't be surprised when people fall away; 2) keep the message of Christ at the center; 3) you can't lead others unless you yourself are growing; 4) stand on the authority of God's Word; 5) remember that God commissioned you; and 6) people should see where our lives are heading. Those who are able to persevere in the face of challenges are able to do incredible work for God.

Organic Leadership in Action

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 4:12-16

Paul encourages Timothy to continue to lead the church with humility and service. The main instruction he gives Timothy is to dedicate to preaching and teaching of the Word. Through Timothy's commitment to spiritual character and undying effort to the New Testament church, others will see his progress in the faith.

Training for Godliness

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 4:1-10

Paul describes to Timothy what is needed in order to grow with God and train for Godliness. Paul talks about how it is not an easy method but you have to labor and strive for it. Though the work may take diligence, it can be joyful and fulfilling at the same time. God does not want us to live boring, joyless, or ungrateful lives, but this training is something we can do together in the body of Christ.