You Matter

Fouad Masri
Ephesians 2:10

Growing in our relationship with Jesus attracts Muslim background people to the Messiah. Learn how your personal growth can be a source of change that impacts Muslims everywhere.

Identity as an Apologetic

Josh Benadum
Ephesians 2:10

We discuss the identity that is conferred by God and how it's better than what the world has to offer.

Want to Make an Impact?

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 2

If you want to make an impact in this world, you must start with asking God for eternal life. Then, share it boldly with others. Follow Paul's example of holding forth the Word of God and seeking only to please God. Learn to love with tenderness as well as toughness when needed.

Ten Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

As Paul went around telling people the Good News, he made every effort to not invalidate his message by his behavior. He modeled these ten key elements of serving love. Serving love is counter-intuitive, based on the Good News, has integrity, is supremely valuable, and is also a "means of grace."

Power Through Weakness

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 11:21-12:10

God says His power works best in weakness. When we depend on our own strength, we are rejecting God's superior strength. Sometimes God sends a "thorn in the flesh" to bring us to a point where we will accept His strength over our own. If we can see our weakness, we can receive salvation.

The Enduring Word

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

God speaks into the world through His Word. We can be saved by hearing the Word of truth. Once saved, we can grow in spiritual maturity by the Word. God wants to gradually transform all areas of our lives. We grow by allowing the Word to renew our minds. It builds our faith, convicts our hearts, nourishes our souls, rouses our passions, makes us wise, and empowers our ministry

The Role of the Law

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 20:12-17

Because God demands absolute moral perfection, no one can ever be made right with God by following the Law. Even in the Old Testament, people were saved by faith and not by following the Law. Christians are not under the Law because Jesus fulfilled the Law for us, but the Law is useful for giving us a moral orientation.

Responding to Opposition

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 4

As Nehemiah rallied the people to rebuild the walls surrounding Jerusalem, he encountered fierce opposition from local rulers. Though the people were afraid, Nehemiah brought God into the situation. He prayed by himself and with others. Then he got back to work. He did not focus on the problems but on the work before them, trusting God was with them.

The Full Armor of God

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 6:10-24

Paul warns his audience that their struggle is not against other humans but evil spiritual forces, namely Satan. We need to be prepared to fight with the Word of God's truth, relying not on our own righteousness but on Christ's righteousness. The full armor of God consists of truth, righteousness (Christ's), gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and finally, prayer.