Pentecost: Contagious Christianity

James Rochford
Joel 2:28-32

Why are some people contagious for Christ? What causes some Christian groups to flourish and thrive? Can God really use someone like me? In this chapter, Luke answers these questions by explaining the impact the Holy Spirit brings to the church. He includes Peter's address to the crowd showing that this was God's plan all along.

Ministers of a New Covenant

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 3:18

The Corinthians have been questioning Paul's authority and credentials to speak into their lives. Paul tells this church that its members are his credentials ? the way he loved them and led them to God and not himself is his proof that he speaks truth. Paul records four ways that we can know whether or not we should listen to a person's insight. We must ask: 1) from whom do they take their confidence, 2) where do they get their adequacy, 3) are they a servant, and 4) do they rely on the Spirit or the Law?

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 3) - Speaking Like Jesus - Sharing Your Faith with Muslims

Fouad Masri
John 1:4-41

In order to speak like Jesus when sharing our faith with Muslims, we need some basic attitudes and foundational knowledge. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ, to be loving, which means that we also show respect. We are called to be friendly, to create a friendly environment when sharing about Jesus instead of arguing or criticizing. We then seek to use bridges to help move Muslims to understand key truths about Jesus. Finally, our approach must be Bible-based, drawing on the power of God's Word. As we focus on these principles and examine how Christ spoke to those who did not know him, we can gain insight for our own communication and learn to build more effective bridges to the Gospel.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 1) - Violence and Hope in the Middle East

Fouad Masri
Matthew 28:18-29

In an age of terrorism, many questions emerge about the Islamic faith. There are vast numbers of Muslims in our world today, and we should seek both to understand their faith as well as to share the love of Christ with them, rather than drawing back in response to violence that may be displayed in the media. This workshop explores the Islamic concept of jihad and its relation with terrorism, as well as other key beliefs of Islam. God is at work in the Muslim world, and we can participate in Christ's mission here.

Leading Dynamic Discussion

John Ross
Matthew 28:18-29

Teaching through discussion is an important element to an effective Bible study, but it is a skill that takes practice and effort. This workshop explores three key elements of teaching through discussion: creating strong questions, delivering questions at key points in the teaching, and guiding the discussion effectively. Through examining these areas and honing our questions, we can begin to lead much more dynamic discussions, both in small and larger group settings.

Speaking the Truth in Love

Ben Foust
Acts 20:17-38

The love of Christ should have a transformative effect in every area of our life, including how we speak. We are called to speak the truth in love to one another. Most people don't realize the power they have in their words, but when we speak truth in love it can give grace, inspire vision, and change lives!

Temple Showdown

Scott Risley
Luke 19:45-20:47

Luke describes a showdown between Jesus and the religious leaders over the temple. The religious leaders attempted to arrest Jesus and continued to use the temple to make a profit while Jesus repeatedly silenced them with the truth. The religious leaders were confronted with the question "Jesus is the Son of God. What are you going to do about it?" The same question can be asked of anyone. Will you reject Jesus as the Son of God or accept Him?

An Authentic Aroma

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 2:4-17

The Corinthian church is questioning Paul's authority as a result of Paul having written them a challenging letter previously. To defend speaking Biblical truth into their lives, Paul convinces the Corinthians that we must speak truth in love to one another. This means intervening in each other's lives, knowing when to be firm, and when to be gentle. Speaking truth in love is evidence of real relationships.

Seth to Abraham

Jim Leffel
Genesis 5:1-6:22

Biblical history from Seth to Abraham includes some difficult passages. Before unpacking the story of the flood, it is important to consider two issues: 1) Is a worldwide flood plausible; 2) Why did the flood happen in the first place? An ABC News clip on the flood is included.