The Story of Joseph

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 37-50

An overview of the life of Joseph--an incredible story of favoritism by Jacob, hatred, cruelty, deception, and guilt by his half-brothers, as well as faithfulness, perseverance, obedience, and forgiveness by Joseph. Like many of us, Joseph was victimized by many people, but he did not succumb to a victim mentality because he trusted in God's loving sovereignty. He was able to thrive in spite of ill-treatment and adversity and we can, too, through God's help.

Lessons from the Life of Joseph

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 37-50

Joseph is sold by his jealous brothers into slavery in Egypt where he spends many years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Afterward, he rises to a top leadership position and is instrumental in saving not only many Egyptians, but his own family from a famine. From the story of Joseph and his brothers, we see that God has a plan for our life and is working to accomplish His goals, even though we may not see it from our limited perspective. We are challenged to act in faith and trust in God's promises, even in the midst of unanswered questions and suffering.

The Story of Jacob

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 25-33

An insightful overview of the first half of Jacob's life. God promised that He would provide for Jacob's major needs, but he struggled and schemed through his own means rather than trust Him. After resisting God his whole life, Jacob was finally broken of his self-sufficiency when he wrestled with God and surrendered. We all struggle with God ? by deeply mistrusting His goodness and by determining to control our own lives ? will we surrender to Him or not?

The Book of Ruth: God's Redemption

Chris Risley
Ruth 1-4

In Ruth and Boaz we see people who chose to follow God and were blessed more than they ever imagined. We also learn that just as Boaz was a loving redeemer for Ruth when she was helpless and had nothing to offer, Jesus Christ wants to be our redeemer, free of charge. When we choose to take Him up on His offer, we also can experience the blessings of following God.\r\n

The Great Shepherd

Chris Hearty
Psalms 23:1-6

The Bible repeatedly describes God as the "good shepherd," offering loving leadership and care. Just as sheep under a good shepherd's care trust him, we should seek to establish a trusting relationship with God through Jesus, looking to Him for our needs. With Jesus as our shepherd we have rest from our anxious fears, spiritual nourishment, stability, fulfillment, and eternal life.\r\n

When Yahweh is Your Shepherd

Scott Risley
Psalms 23

In this famous Psalm, David describes the Lord as his shepherd who gives him all that he needs. This metaphor reveals the safety, provision and guidance we can experience from God when we are reconnected with him through Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

God Is Our Fortress

Chris Hearty
Psalms 46

Psalm 46 reflects on God's faithfulness during a time of great danger and challenge, and on His power and love. God is a refuge, a river of nourishment, and a ruler who leads us, and is the only true source of security in this world. Jesus is the path to enjoying God as our fortress.

Ishmael and Isaac

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 21:1-7

Through the story of the births of Ishmael and Isaac, we see two different ways of following God: one based on self-reliance, and the other based on trusting God to keep his promises. Self-reliance tends to lead to problems and defeat, while trusting in God's promises often involves waiting, but leads to peace and the experience of God's faithfulness.

Melchizedek and the War of the Kings

Mike Sullivan
Hebrews 7:15-25

Abraham engages in warfare to rescue his nephew lot, then meets and is blessed by a priest, Melchizedek, king of Salem. From this story we see a foreshadowing of Jesus who would be a king-priest in the order of Melchizedek, our intermediary and final sacrifice. We also learn from Abraham that growing faith is active, will be tested, and has impact far beyond our lives.