How to Be a Winsome Follower of Jesus

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:8-15

In order to be a witness for God to an ungodly world, Christians are called to possess winsome qualities, to be winsome in what we say and do and give a winsome response to those who ask about our faith. We are called to give an account for the hope that is in us. We have good reason to believe in Jesus because He is true! Even atheistic scientists cannot explain the puzzle of the "Fine Tuning of the Universe."

Fear of the Lord

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 33

Modern readers of the Bible often have a negative reaction upon first hearing the phrase "the fear of the Lord." They mistakenly think we are called to be afraid of God but we must let the Bible interpret itself. The Bible says to fear the Lord means to stand in awe of Him, which means to ponder his greatness, power, intelligence, beauty, and wisdom as it is revealed through His creation. We can demonstrate we fear the Lord by trusting in His lovingkindness, and following His moral instruction. A synonym for "fear of the Lord" is humility before God.

Problems with Authority

Scott Risley
1 Peter 2:13-25

Passages that call us to submit to the governing authorities can be difficult to hear with our modern ears. We bristle at the idea of submitting to fallen institutions. Although our authority system is temporarily out of order, one day God will set up the government we have always longed for. For now, we have to follow Jesus' example and keep on trusting the Father.

Three Myths about Church

James Rochford
1 Peter 2:4-10

Three myths about church are: the church is a beautiful or boring building, to become a Christians I need to join a church, and the purpose of the church is to sing songs. The church is not a building or a place but it is it's people. Joining a church membership roll does not make one a Christian. The church is the community of people who have placed their faith in Jesus to forgive their sins. The primary purpose of the church is not to sing songs but to share Jesus' message with a hurting world.

Paul's Greatest Secret

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:10-20

Paul's greatest secret was having learned to be content in all circumstances. He didn't learn this secret in one momentous moment but it came to him over time, bit by bit. God had to stress his faith in order to make it grow. Growth comes in the areas of life when no one is watching. Your little steps of faith grow over time and you learn to to trust God with the bigger things. When we learn to trust God with our money and start giving it away as a "sweet-smelling offering" God will reimburse us. Just as the Philippians had no idea their simple monetary gift resulted in untold number of people benefitting from the prison epistles Paul wrote, we have no idea how our giving freely may be used by God to bless people we have never met.

Thanking God for His Promises

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 138

The God of the Bible is the only god of the world religions who makes and keeps promises. King David, who wrote Psalm 138, gives thanks to God who has fulfilled past promises, will fulfill future promises and is keeping His present promises. David had his flaws and made many mistakes, but his default was to submit to God and depend upon His promises.

Getting Closer to God

James Rochford
Philippians 2:1-11

Jesus was showing us the way to completely depend and trust in God. This is a supernatural act that cannot be done out of our natural ability. While Jesus was on earth, he kept all of his divine attributes and abilities but willingly chose not to use them. Instead he relied entirely upon God to empower him to do everything that he did. He chose not to grasp equality with God because wanted to grasp us instead.

The Risks and Rewards of Saying Yes to God

Ryan Lowery
Luke 1:29-38

In this passage we see 3 people or groups who said "yes" to God, despite the risks. Mary agreed to bear the Messiah, Joseph maintained his relationship with Mary, and the magi defied Herod--all moves that came with great risks, but also great rewards, as they take their place in God's plan to redeem people through Jesus the Messiah. We also face the opportunity in our life to say yes to God, also facing risks but opening the door to rewards from God, the giver of good gifts.

Joy in God's Sovereignty

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:12-20

Challenging circumstances can make us question what God is doing--if He's truly in control, just, and/or loving. Paul though has another attitude, even as he sits in jail, seeing how God is working in his difficult circumstances--not only fulfilling his goal of sharing the gospel but taking it beyond what he imagined. When we consider and account for God's sovereignty in difficult situations, we will find joy as we see His ability to work beyond circumstance and beyond our failings and limitations, and as we embrace the idea that God is always working for our ultimate good.