Mary's Big Decision

Dennis McCallum
Luke 1:26-38

Mary is approached by the angel Gabriel, announcing that she will give birth to Jesus. Mary's response was one of active trust and obedience to God's Will for her life. Mary had the option to resist God's Will, but showed an availability to what God was trying to do in her life. As we make ourselves available to God's Will, we get incredible opportunities to affect the course of eternity for God.

How is the Bible Different from Other Scriptures?

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 18:35

The Bible stands out from other scriptures in its accuracy of historical claims, and it's fulfilled prophecy. God chose to confirm His message to mankind through these verifiable claims. Some spiritual texts contradict history, while others make no verifiable claims.

Christ Centered Relating

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 4:10-20

We can draw several principles about Christ-centered relating with each other from this passage. Paul the apostle implies that when we are following Christ, we are deeply involved in one another's lives. We are called to trust God to meet our needs and we demonstrate this trust in Him in a couple of ways: we can allow God to provide for us through other people (for example, Paul was receiving financial provision from the Lord through the church in Philippi); we can choose to give to others, especially in areas where we do not feel competent.

What Is Biblical Faith?

Dennis McCallum
Romans 4

Turning to key figures from the Old Testament who would have been very well known to the Jewish Romans, Paul uses Abraham and David to explain what faith looks like. Faith is not equivalent to works, rituals, or the Law. Instead, it is a willingness to act based on God's truth with complete dependence on Him.

Requisites for Relational Closeness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 2:4-11

The Corinthians had trouble with addressing a member of their body who was in a deep non-repentant sin, Paul himself had to visit them about it. Through this, we see how forgiveness and a relational closeness between each other and God impacts our walk with Him. This relational closeness is characterized by 4 requirements: agree on God's moral absolutes, be willing to discipline, be willing to repent, and be willing to forgive.

A Dangerous Misunderstanding

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

The Corinthians have taken the guidance of false teachers and are starting to mistrust Paul's teaching of the Gospel. God has made us promises in the past through the prophets that have been fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus. God wants a personal relationship with us through Christ's death. This opens us up to meet each other's needs in this life.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 4): Our Motivation for Life

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:5

Jesus called people to trust God with their needs. God has taken care of the birds of the sky, how much more will He take care of his people? This doesn't mean we should be undisciplined with what God has given us, but it does mean that God has put enough on our plate for today and we should take security in the Lord. We are called to be stewards and givers of the things that God has blessed us with.

The Birth of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
John 1:12

Three wise men came to Bethlehem to look for a newborn king because they saw a star in the night sky. These men stepped out in faith to seek God through God's revelation to them. Herrod on the other hand sought to kill the newborn king because he wanted to be the king of Israel and he wanted to stop God's plan. God is sovereign and His plan will come to fruition.

The Birth of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:4-8

Mary was called by God to give birth to the messiah as a virgin. Mary walked by faith and trust toward God knowing that this was a chance for her to serve the Lord. She went through rejection and suffering in order to serve God, and now we see the great impact she had on our world because she was willing to trust in God.