The Fall of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:1-17

Before the fall, the world was complete and good. Satan entered the Garden of Eden and distorted the word of and casting suspicion on God, tricking Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This caused alienation: psychological, theological, sociological, and ecological. Now, humans have the opportunity to be reunited with God through trust.

Habits of the Heart

Jim Leffel
Psalms 95:8-11

The author of Hebrews offers a commentary on true spirituality; he presents the idea that God reveals Himself and His purpose as he calls on people to respond. In the Old Testament example of ancient Israel in the wilderness, the people hardened their hearts and experienced consequences. There is a call for modern Christians to respond with urgency to the voice of God.

Schemes of the Adversary

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Paul warns to be aware of the schemes of the devil. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in the truth, being confident in God's Word. Believers can put on and trust in a breastplate of righteousness. This righteousness is not of their own, but it comes from the grace that Christ has given them. Believers should also know their mission and understand the urgency of it. They should stand with each other as a wall of defense, and they need to gather up a will to fight. Believers should be calculated in their force, trusting and knowing when to use the power of God's Word.

God's Rest

Cathy Treyens
Ephesians 6:10-12

Biblical rest is an active to choice to trust God. It includes trusting His unconditional affection towards us, His power to work through us, and His ability to change us. It also means we stop trusting that our good works earn His acceptance. As we rest in God's unfailing love for us, we are able to work out of His grace to love and serve Him and those around us.

Arm Your Minds!

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

There is suffering we can avoid, but also suffering we can't! When we undergo necessary suffering, how we respond to the pain in our lives is important. We can respond negatively by lashing out, running away from our problems, or becoming resentful. We need to remember that we have an enemy, that this world is fallen, and that suffering is necessary for spiritual growth. We can trust God through it to work good in spite of the brokenness of our world!\r\n\r\n

Freedom from Slavery: A Lesson from the Life of Saul

Lee Campbell
1 Samuel 9-28

Often, our hiding, manipulation, insecurity, and emotional outbursts are due to fear. The life of Saul, Israel's first king, was characterized by these things, resulting in poor leadership and a sad spiritual life. Because Saul was unable to put his trust in God's faithfulness, he lived his life enslaved to fear. We learn that freedom from enslavement to fear is possible through putting our faith in God and his unlimited power. A testimony from Kim Gulyassy is included.

faith vs. FAITH

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:17

A royal official, in great desperation, seeks out Jesus to heal his dying son. As a result, Jesus challenges the basis of people's faith. Signs and miracles are not sufficient for long lasting personal faith. Real faith is fostered and grows when we entrust ourself to God because He is trustworthy. Like the royal official, when we put our faith in God we can act on His promises and commands. God blesses our steps of faith.

The Great Secret: Dealing with Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Paul called the Philippians to set their minds on the good things that are true of them in Christ. Paul found contentment in rejoicing in God's Love and trusting in His provision. Our relationship with God gives us a firm basis for joy.

Four Great Ways to Get Spiritually Deceived

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 11:1-21

Paul highlights four ways we can get deceived as Christians: 1) assuming everyone speaking positively about Jesus is from God; 2) paying primary attention to the experience from the messenger; 3) accept spiritual justifications for financial greed; and 4) follow leaders who want to run the lives of those they're leading. As Christians, we should ask God for spiritual discernment and sensitivity so we can spot false deceivers of God's Truth within our community.