Promise of the Holy Spirit

Jim Leffel
John 14:1-18

The idea of Jesus leaving was uncomfortable at best for His disciples. In answering several of Thomas' questions, Jesus gives the disciples reassurance of their future and position by explaining to them His oneness with God, the power of prayer, and the role of the Holy Spirit. In growing in our relationship with God and enduring the trials of this life, we need similar reassurance. When studying this passage, we learn that we can: expect God to transform our lives and answer our prayers, have confidence in God because we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and understand the mind of God because we can be taught by the Holy Spirit.

Divine Inspiration of the New Testament

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 2:13

Paul encourages the Thessalonians that they accepted the gospel not as a human message, but as the divinely inspired Word of God that works within them. The Biblical definition of inspiration is that it is God-initiated, as He reveals the content and Himself to human messengers who communicate His truth and messages without error or fault. The writers of the New Testament attested that their message was from God and their apostleship was based on God uniquely equipping them to preach His Truth. The implication of divine inspiration is that God's Word is the ultimate authority and basis for how we should live our lives.

The Good Shepherd

Jim Leffel
John 10:1-17

Jesus teaches he is a good shepherd and his people are like sheep. The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and calls the sheep to listen and follow. The question we have to answer is whose voice are we listening to? We have many options for what we will prioritize in life. Do we prioritize what God has called us to? God said he has called us to an abundant life but often we think our plans are better.\r\n

Trusting the Lord With All Your Heart

Scott Risley
Psalms 49:4-20

Jesus' first declaration that He is the fulfillment of ancient messianic prophecies and His teaching is followed by miraculous acts of healing and exorcism, challenging the naturalist to consider the existence of the supernatural. Supernatural claims in the Bible are compared to those of other world religions, showing Biblical miracles to be astoundingly unique, indicating that Jesus' miracles are symbolic of his deity. Skeptics are invited to approach God with a desire to be convinced of the supernatural, and with an expectation that the same God who created the universe will answer by bringing the miraculous into their own lives.

A Life Centered in God

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 3:1-12

There are six points that lead to proper interpretation of the promises laid out in Proverbs. As we understand these points, God's promises become more clear. One of the promises that God makes to His followers is to make their paths straight. In order to fully realize this promise and experience it in our own life, we must first choose to entrust our whole self to God. Compartmentalizing the areas we give over to God will not allow us to fully experience this promise.

Wisdom and Affluence

Jim Leffel
James 5:1-6

James warns his audience of the danger and deception of riches. The rich are exposed for their selfish hoarding of goods, the unsatisfying pursuit of material gain and their exploitation of the poor and oppressed. Affluence offers us two opportunities: 1) selfishness or stewardship; and 2) hoarding or trusting God with our material wealth.\r\n

Partnership of Faith and Works

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:19

James points out that faith without works is dead. We don't work to save ourselves through the law, but rather what we do reflects what we believe.

The Word in Attitudes and Actions

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:10

When we try to hear from God through His Word it's important that we are open to His input in our lives. Often people come to God with their minds already made up. We are called not just to be readers of the Word, but doers of the Word.

Victory in the Pressure Cooker of Life

Jim Leffel
James 2:20-22

James explained that enduring suffering strengthens your faith. Suffering is painful, but God can use it in our lives, and so it is not in vain that we suffer. Suffering is confusing, but it is also an opportunity for us to turn to God and rely on His strength.