The Source of Love

Jeff Gordon
John 14:1-20

Jesus leads his followers from anxiety and angst, to peace of mind and heart if we trust and believe in him through the Holy Spirit. This is the promised living water to which Jesus had been referring. The Holy Spirit would enter his disciples after he ascended to heaven and be their advocate and comforter. The Holy Spirit provides believers with: 1) assurance of our relationship with God, 2) confidence that our eternity is secure in heaven, 3) revelation about God's Word, 4) personal insight into God's Will, and 5) the empowering to do what God leads us to do.

The Lord's Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:5-8

Prayer is meant to be a personal communication with God, not meant to impress people.The template that Jesus lays out for prayer is to address it in terms of one's relationship with God, declare what is true about God, and then present requests to God. Jesus also teaches two important principles: 1) perseverance in prayer is important; and 2) prayer is good for us.

The Us vs. Them Mentality

Ryan Lowery
John 4:20-24

The Bible promotes a peaceable and loving attitude towards others, instead of an us vs. them mentality. After the transfiguration, Jesus says that we should be at peace within Christian community instead of competing for dominance. He also teaches that we should be at peace with different Christian communities instead of writing off their good work. Finally, we are to be peaceable towards non-Christians without giving up our stance on truth.

Jesus Calms The Storm

Ryan Lowery
Luke 8:22-25

When the disciples encounter a life-threatening storm while Jesus is asleep, their faith is tested. All followers of Christ will face hardship beyond their control, and must learn to trust God. There are five principles to help believers to overcome times of suffering: 1) Jesus must be with us; 2) God is sovereign and aware; 3) remember the promises of God; 4) God will bring good out of evil; and 5) God cares about our pain.

Jesus Feeds 5000+ People

Gary DeLashmutt
John 6:1-68

Jesus multiplies food provided by a small boy to feed thousands of people, illustrating that if we make ourselves available he will nourish us spiritually and meet the world's needs. Jesus claims he is the bread of life who can give eternal life to any who believe in him and accept his gift. The reactions of the crowd and the disciples to Jesus' teaching show that as followers of Jesus we often have selfish expectations. Our spiritual life and closeness with Jesus hinge on whether we accept these hard teachings or not.

When Faith Breaks Down: The Golden Calf

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 32:1-34:7

After being rescued from Egypt, the Israelites begin their new journey out of slavery, led by Moses. When Moses goes up to the mountain to meet with God and is gone longer than perhaps expected, the faith of the Israelites breaks down. In the trial of waiting on God, they gave up and decided to melt all of their plundered gold into a golden calf to worship instead. While we may think the Israelites are blind fools, our faith also can break down in a similar way. We are often called to wait on God at different points in our life and are tempted with other things that may want to take center stage above God and become an idol in our lives. Will we too make a golden calf when we don't hear an immediate answer from the Lord?

Fishers of Men

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:1-11

Jesus made it clear how he would accomplish his mission to save the lost when he climbed into Simon Peter's boat on the Sea of Galilee. In this encounter, he taught 4 lessons: 1) about the Word of God; 2) we need to put our faith in him; 3) when we follow or trust Christ we see him in a new light; and 4) Jesus is calling people to join in his work of evangelism.

Healthy Leadership and Followership

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Paul writes to the Thessalonians about the relationship between God-ordained leadership within the church and the role of those who follow the leadership. Biblical leadership within the church is not only essential, but also should be plural and involves many components, including: 1) serving those within the church through interpersonal interactions; 2) providing spiritual direction on areas within the confines of Biblical mandates; and 3) teaching God's Word in various places with specific application for individuals. Those who are following the direction of spiritual leadership also have responsibilities, including: 1) being responsive to the direction of leadership; 2) regarding Christian leadership as a vital and important work; and 3) supporting the leadership. The key to effective leaders and followers is the love of Jesus Christ.


Scott Risley
John 7:37-39

As the Israelites journey into the desert, they complain about a lack of water and food. Despite their complaints, God provides for them. God often allows challenging circumstances to show us something about ourselves and to help us grow spiritually. When we complain about the circumstances we are really complaining about God. When we trust God, we experience his provision and healing.