Abraham's Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 22:1-19

Abraham was an Old Testament figure who demonstrated biblical faith [Hebrews 11.1] throughout his whole life. He was called by God to leave his homeland to go to a distant country, he waited on God to fulfill His promise of a son, and he trusted in God enough to voluntarily sacrifice that same son to Him. Throughout all of these circumstances, Abraham clung to what was unseen, and his perseverance and trust in God influenced the course of human history as a result.

Living Faith From Ancient Lives

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 6:11-14

Chapter 11 began by describing what faith is: confidence in what is yet to come. Now the author dives into examples of men and women of the Old Testament who acted in obedience in this type of faith. He begins his list of faithful people with Abel, Enoch and Noah. All of them obeyed God in faith even though they did not have any firm assurance and proof of what God asked of them. In the end, their faithful obedience was rewarded with righteousness and a relationship with God.

What Is Faith?

Dennis McCallum
John 20:27-29

Chapter 11 begins by describing faith as having confidence in what is yet to come. The Bible's definition of faith differs from today's culture, where faith is more like a feeling or wishful thinking. The passage continues to describe what believers have faith in, one of those being how God created the world by his command. The Biblical perspective of the universe's origin is then contrasted to modern beliefs of the world's starting point. Lastly, we look at why God has faith in a high priority and that faith is the only requirement needed to connect and start a relationship with God.

The Danger of Saying "No" to God

Chris Hearty
Exodus 17:1-7

Jesus is superior to Moses because of His deity and position as God's son, and the author of Hebrews exhorts his audience to hold firmly to the grace that Jesus offers instead of Old Testament rituals. He also warns believers of the dangers of a hardened heart through the example of the Israelites' refusal to enter the Promised Land. It is never too late to return to God and experience His grace.

Leading and Following God's Way

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 5:1-7

God uses delegated human leaders to serve Christian communities. Though no person is completely adequate for leadership, there are Biblical principles to help those chosen for the job. Scripture says that: 1) we aren't meant to lead alone; 2) God's leadership is different than the world's leadership; 3) spiritual leadership is primarily through example; and 4) spiritual leadership is a good investment. Ultimately, both leaders and those who follow them are called to have humility and trust in God.

Trusting God or Trusting Your Fears

Scott Risley
Psalms 27

David calls on us to put our trust in God in the midst of fear/times of trouble or uncertainty. David's remedy for overcoming anxiety in our lives is to turn our focus away from ourselves and our problems, and fix our hearts on God. As we draw near to God and meditate on His perfect character, we will learn to be still before Him, and to trust in His timing. God is our fortress, He will never forsake us, therefore we have no reason to be afraid. \r\n\r\nWill you listen to your fears or will you have the courage to wait on Yahweh?

Waiting on God

Chris Hearty
2 Samuel 23:13-17

In David's psalm he shares his longing to dwell with the Lord forever. David models spiritual confidence in the face of adversity and human opposition. He expresses God's trustworthiness and encourages the assembly to endure in waiting on the Lord.

Life with the Good Shepherd

Conrad Hilario
Luke 15:4-7

This Psalm unpacks a life under the intimate leadership of God. The Christian is welcomed into God's divine love, security, and purpose when they begin a relationship with Him. This psalm elaborates on what a walk with the Lord looks like in times of both rest and failure.

The Good Shepherd

Dennis McCallum
John 10:11

God provides for those He calls His own. And He demonstrates this in the image of the good shepherd. We all have choices about whether to lean on Gods leadership or to rebel in autonomy. God as our creator: knows our needs, wants to provide for us, and performs needed correction in the lives of people who follow Him even if it goes unnoticed.