To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 1:12-25

Paul could face death squarely in the face without any fear because he had an eternal perspective. He could say, "To live is Christ, to die is gain" because he knew whether he lived or died, Jesus would be exalted. If he lived, Paul would continue to share the Gospel, and build up his fellow believers to the glory of God. If he died, then he would immediately enter into the presence of God where he would be able to worship him face to face.

Paul's Guide to Max Gains

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:12-26

Paul, the greatest Christian evangelist of all time, sits in prison, chained to guards day and night. What appears to be a devastating blow to the spread of the Gospel, is actually part of God's plan so he can do an even bigger work. Rather than being frustrated by his chains, by his loss of freedom, Paul lets God use him right where he is, in prison. His immobility actually allowed the Gospel to be spread to the far reaches of the Roman empire through those very guards chained to his wrists.

God's Efforts to Reach Us

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 14:6-7

During the Great Tribulation there will be tremendous judgments poured out upon the people of the earth for refusing to repent. But there will also be, at the same time, God going to great lengths to reach people who are far from him. God will send 144,000 bondservants to proclaim the Gospel; he will send two witnesses to Jerusalem for three and a half years to appeal to people to turn back to God; he will even send Jesus to appear in person after the two witnesses are taken up into heaven. And if that wasn't enough, a mighty angel will fly around the world making one final effort to exhort the remaining people to repent and turn to God before time is up.

Rome On Fire

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:12-18

Paul's vertical perspective enabled him to endure the frustrations and trials of being imprisoned in Rome while his heart's desire was to roam the far reaches of the world to spread the Gospel. Yet, while chained to Praetorian guards for four long years, God was accomplishing that very desire. God used Paul's "down time" to do far greater work than if Paul had been free to go about. The Guards he was chained to heard him preach the Gospel to his visitors. They in turn took the message to the outer regions of the Roman empire. Paul wrote four important epistles that reached across the centuries to reach millions of people. And finally, his imprisonment emboldened the believers in Rome to preach more boldly.

Fellowship of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:3-11

The spiritual life is a work of God from beginning to end. Genuine biblical fellowship engages not only the heart toward others but the mind in knowledge and discernment as well. It involves active participation in both vertical and horizontal relationships.

Obtaining Joy in Affliction

Conrad Hilario
Acts 16:19-40

Paul was the most accomplished spiritual leader of his time before he met the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. After getting converted to Christianity, he became the most accomplished Christian leader ever. Ironically, he accomplished more for spreading the Gospel in the two years while he was a Roman prisoner than he did on his three missionary journeys. He was the ultimate model of obtaining joy in the midst of affliction. He discovered happiness and joy come from playing your part in God's plan.

Fulfill Your Ministry

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-8

Knowing the end of his life is near, Paul charges Timothy to fulfill his ministry with restraint and endurance. He exhorts him to run his race, fight the good fight, and receive the crown of righteousness when he has fulfilled his ministry. Even though his life was about to end, Paul filled his message to Timothy with encouragement to finish well as he had done.

Preach the Word

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Paul exhorts Timothy to let the Word of God be his foundation and not let anyone budge him away from it. It is the avenue in which people can be saved. The Word is truth from God. It is revelation from God, not human speculation. It is useful for transforming, over time, new believers into capable workers for God. Paul sums up his main point as, "Go, preach the Word!"

What Is Wrong with the World

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 3:1-15

Paul charges Timothy to confront false teachings in the church. Paul tells him the false teachers are on a path divergent from Timothy's path. The false teachers' path is based on lies and will not lead to fulfilling God's purpose, but Timothy is on a true and better path that, though it includes suffering and persecution, will accomplish God's purpose. \r\nPaul calls Timothy to do three things: To realize, to avoid and to continue. \r\nTimothy must realize the trajectory of the world. Because people are fallen and have rejected God, the world will only go from bad to worse. The world is full of people who are lovers of self rather than God. \r\nTimothy must avoid the influence of the way of the world. Do not be captivated by the worldly allure of living for self. It is a powerful current that must be resisted. \r\nInstead, continue in the better way, the way Timothy had been taught since youth, the way of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the antidote to the life built on self.