Life Giving Leadership

Bruce Powers

Living a life of service in leadership means more than following certain rules or looking a certain way, spiritually. Life giving leadership consists of three actions: tell the gospel, do the gospel, and be the gospel. These reach deeper than just outward appearances.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus interacts with a Samaritan woman who was drawing water from a well. He reveals who he is by telling her things about her life. He claims he can give her living water. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she is so excited that she stops what she is doing and runs to town to tell people. Jesus offers salvation to all people, even those who think they are the worst sinners.\r\n

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

Isn't Freedom Dangerous?

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-21

Paul rebukes Peter for his hypocrisy and how his actions don't communicate the truth of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. The grace of God motivates people to obey God based on total undeserved acceptance and contrasts legalism, where acceptance before God is based on our works or by obeying the law. Once we know Christ, the new identity we have through his death allows us to serve God out of grace, and not push us towards a lifestyle of active rebellion and sin towards God.

Paul: Apostle and Revolutionary

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:10-2:10

Paul combats the Judaizers by defending the message of the Gospel of God. Paul uses his own personal testimony as direct revelation of God and evidence for the real life-transforming power of grace, which not only transformed his motivation but was also accepted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The grace of God called Paul into a life of radical service for God and others, reflecting God's compassion and mercy towards a zealous sinner. Paul's understanding of God's grace resulted in radical thanksgiving.

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-14

The Word has always existed with God. The Word is creator of nature, not a part of nature. If God is nature, He would be guilty, nature would be as it should, there would be no basis for struggling with evil, and there would be no need for forgiveness. Jesus is the Word.

Christianity in Crisis

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:1-10

The Apostle Paul argues for the truth found in the Gospel as legalistic Judaizers were trying to distort God's message of salvation in Galatia. The true Gospel says that humans are incapable of being righteous before God, but through Jesus Christ they can have eternal life by asking for God's mercy to apply to them. The false teachers Paul was combating added obedience to the law as means to salvation and growing with God, a theological debate that has plagued Christianity. The difference between works and faith is wide-spread in areas including: 1) our approach to God; 2) our acceptability; 3) our spiritual state; 4) the real issue between us and God; and 5) the power to live.

The Crucifixion

Chris Lang
John 19:31-33

Throughout the Bible we see that Jesus going to the cross was God's ultimate plan for salvation. In the details of Jesus' crucifixion we see the lengths that God went to, to forgive humanity's sin. Jesus experienced scourging, mocking, humiliation, and ultimately death on a cross. Through His death God demonstrated His perfect love and forgiveness.

Jesus on Trial

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:8

Jesus on trial gives us a window into the heart of man and the heart of God. Through the Sanhedrin, Pilate, and the multitudes, who placed Jesus on the cross, we see humanity's desire to be their own god through false hopes. While God reveals His unrelenting love by using their rejection of Him to forgive the sins of the world.