The What of the Gospel (Part 2)

Tom Dixon
Colossians 2:11-15

Paul continues to stress to the Colossians that spiritual growth isn't getting something more, but applying what's been given to us through Jesus. Through Jesus Christ's work on the cross, people's sin nature was disarmed and our moral debt was cancelled through Jesus' atoning sacrifice. As a result of Jesus' sacrifice, Christians are freed to have more and more freedom from sinful desires in our lives as we consider our new identity in Christ. As this happens, we are able to serve God more with our lives out of gratitude for His grace and provision through Jesus.

The What of the Gospel (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:13-14

Paul re-directs the Colossians focus to the Gospel, the message of Jesus' forgiveness and what he did for all people on the cross. The reason all people need Jesus' forgiveness is due to our objective moral debt before God, which makes all of us spiritually dead before Him. In spite of this, God provided Jesus Christ to pay for our debt so that we could enter into a free relationship with Him. Because Jesus Christ was God-incarnate, his payment on the cross has infinite value and covers all of our wrongdoings. Applying God's forgiveness allows Christians to have a cleansed conscience to love and serve others because of God's approval of us.

Paul's First Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Paul begins his first missionary journey, starting with the church at Antioch. Led by the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas set out to tell others areas about Jesus, including locations such as Cyprus, Salamis, Paphos, Perga and more. This is the first recorded missionary journey, and flies in the face of the postmodern thought that the account of the history and truth are arbitrary as God divinely orchestrated His plan to send broken people to tell others about the love of Jesus Christ. Throughout all of Paul and Barnabas' journey, they were led by the Holy Spirit and encountered much resistance and even flagrant persecution. The same principles for Christians today should stand. As we go and tell others about the love of Christ, we should depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance and expect resistance in a world that is resistant to God's revealed truth through His Word.

Gospel Servant

Lee Campbell
Colossians 1:24-2:3

Paul teaches the Colossians what it means to be a servant of the gospel. The gospel is the priceless revelation of God that Jesus Christ died for sinners and wants a relationship where we are identified with Jesus through the cross. Living for the gospel is motivated by understanding God's work for us, knowing Him in a more intimate way and seeing people's lives transformed. We can do this by remaining focused on Jesus, understanding God's grace for us more and sharing that with others.

The Who of the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the unique and perfect revelation of God. He is also the absolute owner of the entire universe and the sole redeemer of universe. It's from knowing who Jesus is that we can determine what he means for our lives. In this case, Jesus can save people and reconcile them to God through his work on the cross. Once that happens, as we focus on Jesus, we are able to see transformation in our lives.

The Power of the Gospel to Transform

Tom Dixon
Colossians 1:9-14

Paul prays for the Colossians to understand how their lives can be transformed to please God. Through the transforming power of the gospel, Christians can experience more endurance, gratitude, and a growing fruitfulness in their spiritual lives, all of which are pleasing to God. The means in which God wishes to have this growth happen is through prayer, fellowship, and God's Word. Real transformation in our lives starts and begins with understanding the gospel, or the good news that Jesus died for us so we could know God personally.

Gospel and Cross

Jim Leffel
Psalms 22:1

The crucifixion is an event supported by history and an understanding of modern biology. Christ's death was clearly intentional, and accomplished the Messiah's mission to offer humanity a chance to be saved. While one could take the cross as foolishness or a scandal, the Bible declares that the cross is the ultimate expression of God's love.

The Power of the Gospel to Spread

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:1-8

The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Colossae, a church he's never met, around 60 AD while imprisoned in Rome. He begins the letter by thanking God for their faith, hope, and love that overflows from the power of the gospel and continues to spread as they understand more and more about it. The gospel refers to the good news that Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with each person and made it available through his death on the cross. As we deepen in our understanding and appreciation of the gospel, we will begin to see our lives being transformed as well.

The Gentile Pentecost

Dennis McCallum
Acts 10:1-48

Cornelius, a centurion and God-fearing man, has a vision from God telling him to find Peter. Peter himself falls into a trance, as God shows him the new way of relating to those previously seen as "unclean" now that Christ has come. Through the conversation between Peter and Cornelius, it becomes clear that the vision and trance were meant to communicate that all people are able to access God now through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The principle of this encounter is that God has orchestrated His new plan, that through the church, the gospel of Jesus Christ can break through prejudices, traditions, and arbitrary absolutes.