The Second Journey - Part 1: To Philippi

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:11-13

Paul makes his journey to Philippi with his fellow worker, Silas. They are met with hostility and beaten by city officials after cleansing a girl of a spirit. God uses their reactions to this and their suffering to advance the Gospel in Philippi. Steps the Holy Spirit is calling on believers to take for the advancement of the Gospel are discussed.

A Crucial Juncture

Conrad Hilario
Romans 3:23

The Jerusalem Council is used as a springboard to contrast Grace with being under the Law.

The First Mission Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1-28

Paul, with Barnabas in Lystra, heals a lame man, which causes the people to begin to worship them as their gods, Zeus and Hermes. Paul corrects them, stating they are just men, and giving the glory for the miracle to God. He makes a statement about free will in verse 16, and in 17 clearly states that God has made himself known both in His creation evident in nature and within humans.

The First Mission Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Barnabas was in Antioch, then left to find Saul and bring him back to Antioch. While in Antioch, God spoke through the Holy Spirit to the believers that they were to set aside Paul and Barnabas for work that He has for them. Dennis compares and contrasts God's call to missionaries with the Postmodernists' view of missionaries.

The Final Frontier

Scott Risley
Acts 10:15

A racial and cultural divide existed between the Jews and Gentiles. The apostle Peter had a vision from God about eating; the abolition of food laws. We see the Holy Spirit led Peter to the house of Cornelius where Peter shared the Gospel; this began the spread of the gospel to Gentiles.

The Gentile Pentecost

Dennis McCallum
Acts 10:1-48

Cornelius, a Centurion, a God-fearing Gentile, was instructed by God's messenger to send for Peter in Joppa. Meanwhile, God was preparing Peter to preach the Gospel to Cornelius' group of Gentiles by demonstrating that the tradition of eating unclean meat was not Biblical, but was a religious tradition added by men which would be a barrier to giving the Gospel to the Gentiles.

The Spirit Spills Out to the Gentiles

Conrad Hilario
Acts 10:1-48

Traditions of prejudice and going beyond what is written in scripture, end up being unnecessary barriers to God's love.

Spiritual Forces Collide

Conrad Hilario
Romans 12:17-21

Peter and John heal a man born lame. They preach to the resulting gathered crowd. The leaders persecute them but are silenced by the good work of healing. Even though threatened further Peter and John respond with godly defiance. The believers pray for boldness.

The Death of the Son of God

Scott Risley
Luke 23:1-43

Jesus stood on trial before Pilate and Herod. He then faced excruciating torture and death by crucifixion. This fulfilled the prophecy about the Messiah who was also called the Son of Man. This solved humanity's biggest problem of sin which separates us from God. Jesus died in our place to make us right with God.