Two Wisdoms, Or the Way of Humility

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:25-30

The Bible discusses the idea of two different types of wisdom. One if the wisdom of the World and the other is the wisdom of God. These two different types of wisdom often collide with one another. One offers true purpose and deep relationships whereas the other leaves people feeling empty.

Shining Light in a Dark Place

Conrad Hilario
Acts 18:1-18

In this introduction to the book of 1 Corinthians, we learn that God can meet us where we are, even in the murkiest of places. Those who know Him are called to shine as beacons of light, holding out the abundant grace of God in a dark world.

Paul in Corinth

Chris Risley
Acts 18:2-18

In this introduction to 1 Corinthians, we'll take a look at the history of Corinth and Paul's time there teaching the word of God.

3 Responses to Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:8-10

There were many expectations that people had for who Jesus should be. Jesus preached that the solution to a broken relationship with God is not a behavior change but a transformed heart: this polarized the crowds listening to his teachings. When we are desperate, we turn to prayer as a last resort. We can try to bargain with God to get what we want. The Pharisees were indignant that Jesus was not meeting their expectations. Jesus taught that spiritual matters are far more important than the physical: they will last into eternity. \r\n

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Timothy 2:17

It is important to communicate effectively and clearly the main message of the Bible. There are two key elements: 1) Faith is the path to God, and 2) love for God, other believers, and for people who do not know God.

The Word Becomes Flesh

Ryan Lowery
John 12:46

A ?Gospel? is a declaration of victory! The book of John is a historical and biographical account of the creator of the universe who came down to earth. As we learn about Jesus we can understand who God is. God is infinite, self-existent, and personal. The Word is with God, was God, created all things, and is the sustaining power of all life. Then this Word takes on a human body and lives among humanity, John confirms that he was an eye-witness to this event. Jesus came in a way that was unexpected and the world was polarized by it. All of humanity is invited to receive forgiveness from Jesus and be adopted as God's children.

Evangelism: Heart Issues & Practices

Phil Franck
John 12:46

God wants to use His people to reach the lost by spreading His Good News as He opens doors of opportunity. We need to examine our motivation and attitudes that may block our participation in evangelism. There are many things that can cause fear in sharing the Good News. To overcome those obstacles we need to start with our identity and mission from God. There are endless tools God has given us to be effective; His Holy Spirit, prayer, His Gospel, and creativity, to name a few.\r\n

Is Jesus the Only Way of Salvation?

Eric Chabot
Romans 10:13-16

In a culture where many religions are not only present but tolerated and viewed as equally true, we must ensure we understand why we are called to share our faith. Jesus is clear that he is the only way to salvation, and out of concern for others and gratitude for our own salvation, we are called to share this with others. As we do this, we should consider our audience and start on their terms with their current beliefs. We also should balance the call for us to share with the reality of God's sovereignty and his general revelation. God is faithful to reveal himself to all people, but he gives each individual a choice to truth in him personally.

The Gospel Goes to Rome

James Rochford
Acts 27:1-28:31

Luke details Paul's journey to Rome. Paul trusted God and proclaimed His goodness despite the many hardships he faced on his way to Rome. Upon arriving, Paul gave his defense to the Jewish leaders and Caesar trying to persuade them about Jesus. He continued to teach the Word with boldness and without hindrance.