The Book of Ruth: God's Redemption

Chris Risley
Ruth 1-4

In Ruth and Boaz we see people who chose to follow God and were blessed more than they ever imagined. We also learn that just as Boaz was a loving redeemer for Ruth when she was helpless and had nothing to offer, Jesus Christ wants to be our redeemer, free of charge. When we choose to take Him up on His offer, we also can experience the blessings of following God.\r\n

The Righteous Sufferer

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 22:1-31

This Psalm written by David was written hundreds of years before the death of Christ. How then does it perfectly explain the manner in which Jesus was killed? This teaching covers that topic and much more importantly, the purpose of Jesus's death.\r\n

Where Can I Flee God's Presence?

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 139:1-24

David describes God's inescapable presence, that no part of our life or heart is outside of his purview. On the one hand this is amazing, but on the other it threatens the autonomy our sin nature clings to. When we turn to God, however, we find that while He knows everything about us, He loves us anyway and that while there is no refuge from God's presence, there is refuge in His presence.

Why I Am Happy to Be With God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 103:1-22

How do we approach an infinite, all-powerful God? This Psalm covers that question and how God values humans and our free choice.\r\n

Sharing God's Message with the World

James Rochford
Romans 15:3-20

After decades of following Christ, Paul is still as passionate as ever about sharing the Gospel with the world. We can cultivate a similar, livelong zeal by spending regular time in God's Word, actively trusting in God's promises, and enjoying unity in fellowship with other believers. Although the mission of evangelism put forth by the Bible is unpopular in today's climate of cultural relativism, when we examine different worldviews closely, we see the the Biblical worldview is the only one that is based on evidence and reason, brings humility and love into our lives, and brings healing and help to a world that desperately needs it.

The Transforming Power of God

James Rochford
Romans 13:8-14

Paul writes that Christians should lay aside "deeds of darkness" such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, jealousy, and strife, all of which reveal an inner emptiness. Rather, we should put on the "armor of light" by entrusting ourselves to the Lord Jesus and allowing his power to transform us and fill the inner void.

How Should Christians Respond to Their Civil Rulers?

Conrad Hilario
Romans 13:1-7

Paul explains that God established governing authorities to curb evil in the world and we should submit to our governing authorities, so long as it doesn't enjoin what the Bible forbids or forbid what the Bible enjoins. Real change takes place through spiritual transformation and we look forward to the day God will establish His just and loving rulership on earth.

The Woman at the Well

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

Despite many personal, cultural, and religious barriers, Jesus approaches a woman at a well to demonstrate that he is the only one who can quench her spiritual thirst. The Gospel has the same effect today when we turn to God to restore the relationship we were created for and allow Him to meet our deepest needs.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: A Real Encounter with God

Mike Sullivan
John 4:1-42

Jesus' miracles demonstrate not only that he is the Son of God as he claimed, but also that he cares about the plight of people and that he has the power to meet our deepest needs.