The Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Acts 2:42-47

The key and essential aspects of authentic body life which causes the never duplicated explosive growth of the body of Christ.

A Thumbnail of the Early Church

Conrad Hilario
Acts 5:3

The early Church was devoted to the truth, fellowship, and prayer. They were generous unified and grateful to God. The Biblical Church description is not too radical; it is healthy compared to cultural norms and priorities.

Loving Individuals with Disabilities

Dani Shaffer
Carol Tufano
Matthew 28:18-20

Disability is both a part of a person and created by the environment. In order to love those with disabilities, we must go beyond the common approaches to overlook or completely separate these individuals, instead integrating them by making appropriate accommodations. This workshop explores what integration in this context looks like, as well as the Xenos models for offering this to those with disabilities. This includes what discipleship and involvement in the adult ministry may look like for these individuals.

Three Directions of God's Love - Up, In and Out

Rod Dempsey
Ephesians 1:23

The three directions of God's love include the great commandment, the new commandment, and the great commission. That is to love God, to love others as yourself, and to create disciples. It is with these three directions that the church best functions as a body. If a high percentage of the body of Christ is doing these three things, it will be healthy.

The Life of Watchman Nee

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 1:23

The life of Watchman Nee is an extraordinary account of Christian dedication. This workshop explores his background and the church planting movement that he began in China during the twentieth century. Through examining his movement, we can extract both pitfalls to avoid and qualities to implement in our own churches. Xenos, in this way, does have Nee to thank for some of the reasoning behind its own home church structure.

Covenantal Love and the Jewish People

Eric Chabot
Romans 1:1-5

God's love for Israel is covenantal and a reflection on His love for us today. Many people think Christianity replaces Judaism, however the Bible makes it clear that, while salvation was added to the Gentiles, God's gifts and callings to Israel are irrevocable. God has not rejected his people, nor is it ever commanded that Jewish people 'convert' to Christianity. Loving Jewish people means affirming their election and treating them with value and dignity because they, too, are image bearers of God.

Acceptance and Love

Ryan Lowery
Romans 15:5-14

Real acceptance of other Christians is based off of Jesus Christ's model of acceptance towards us. It means bearing with each other's faults but out of love being willing to push them towards God. This attitude in the church leads to a corporate unity that brings glory to God.

Christians and Government

Ryan Lowery
Romans 13:1-7

Christians should obey the human governing authorities that God has put in place as a way of obeying God, who is the ultimate authority. We can believe in God's sovereignty amidst tension with those who rule over us, and can see it as an opportunity to show God's love to others.

Standing Out

Mike Sullivan
Philippians 2:14-18

Paul calls us to look at a specific area of our life where God wants us to work out our salvation: doing all things without grumbling or disputing. Grumbling, or complaining, is focused on self, while Christians are called to focus outwards. Disputing, or arguing, seeks to promote the self instead of promoting others. Paul calls followers of Christ to stand out as different from this world by rejecting these behaviors and finding joy through serving people.