A Burden for Balance

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:19-22

In 62 AD, Paul writes to his ?true son in the faith? Timothy, whom he left in Ephesus. Paul left Timothy there to correct false teaching that was spreading throughout the church. He encourages Timothy to remain faithful to the Word out of love, a good conscience and a sincere faith. The value of the church being firmly rooted in the Word is vitally important.

Solomon Building

Dennis McCallum
1 Kings 5:1-8:60

Solomon constructs the temple of God. The temple was not designed to be merely a place of worship but also an illustration of God, the church, and the body of Christ. The precise description of the parts of the temple shows how God is intentional with his people and their gifts. The temple was never meant to actually house God but was intended to be a house for His name. Through the temple, other cultures could learn about the relationship God has with His people.

Corporate Evangelism

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1

There are many different strategies to evangelism, one that is proven successful is corporate evangelism. Corporate evangelism is warranted biblically and exposes people to the love of Christ through His church. Helpful elements to corporate evangelism include prayer meetings, large meetings, small meetings, and group investment outside of meetings. The more equipped the church can become to work together the more successful it will be to share the love of Christ.

Evangelistic Expository Preaching

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 14:1

Weekly expository Bible teaching in a larger-group setting both feeds and equips Christians and helps non-Christians come to faith in Christ. This kind of meeting differs from the more intimate small group, home-based style in focus and strategy. Learn about format, effectiveness, elements, and other helpful measures to have a successful expository meeting.

Basic Principles of This World

Conrad Hilario
John 4:21-24

Paul explains to the Colossian church that they do not have to perform rituals, ?the basic principles of this world,? in order to be made right with God. This construct was promoted by false teachers who tried to tarnish the gospel with ideologies such as Greek dualism, aestheticism and legalism. These false teachers urged the Colossians to incorporate Old Testament dietary laws, holy days, and other rituals. Paul stresses the importance and sufficiency of Christ's death on the cross; therefore, these rituals are of no spiritual value.

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!

The Dragon and the Woman with Child

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:1-17

The next piece of John's vision contains a dragon who waits to devour a woman's newborn son. The dragon represents Satan, who attempts to destroy the child and his mother, causing destruction and persecution of the Jewish people. Although he is defeated at the cross, there are still ways that Satan accuses humanity to each other and God throughout time.

I Will Make Everything New

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 21:1-6

Expanding on John's vision of the New Jerusalem, this passage and other verses referenced explain many other things that God will make new. These apply to Christians and include a new standing before God, a new relationship with Him, a new role and purpose, a new community and destiny, and a new power. This is something to anticipate and be excited about, and it is open to anyone who hears this message and responds.

Eternal Life

Lee Campbell
Revelation 21:1-4

After John describes Hell, he changes gears in this passage to focus on Heaven. The passage and other supporting verses in the Bible describe Heaven as: 1) "earthy" in some way, 2) interesting and relational, 3) living with God, and 4) free of brokenness. The importance of choice by every individual is emphasized. Christians are encouraged to think more about Heaven and look forward to it.