The Trap of Temptation

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 32:3-6

God created us with needs that only He can meet. Yet all too often, we find ourselves tempted to meet those needs through other things. How can we stand up under these temptations? By turning back to God as our source of wisdom and fulfillment in life.

The Two Ways

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:13-29

Jesus allows his audience to choose their path: through the narrow gate or the wide path. The narrow path is through asking for forgiveness through Jesus. The broad road is the religious lifestyle that Jesus has been combating through all of his teachings. A major reason for people choosing the broad road is because of listening to false teachers. The second focus of Jesus' teaching is in regards to distinguishing true and false prophets. True prophets have an authentic relationship with God, while false prophets claim to know God only by association, not in reality. Perhaps the biggest difference between true and false followers of Jesus are those who choose to hear his words and put them into practice.

Tempted in the Wilderness

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:45

Jesus faces temptation by Satan in the desert just after being baptized. Jesus refutes Satan using the Bible and refuses to take the easy way out.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 4:1-10

Jesus is confronted by Satan in the wilderness after 40 days in the desert. Satan tries to tempt Jesus to become spiritually autonomous instead of depending on God, twisting scripture to try and trick Jesus and worshiping him instead of doing God's work in God's way. Each time he was tempted, Jesus responded to Satan's accusations with scripture, an important decision within spiritual warfare. This confrontation between Jesus and Satan demonstrates the importance of relying on the truth of scripture and depending on the Holy Spirit's power amidst spiritual warfare.

Three Pseudo-Spiritualities

Tom Dixon
Colossians 2:16-23

Paul warns the Colossians against three false spiritualities that will move them away from the hope of the gospel. The first is ritualism, where Christians do external acts of service to God without dealing with the internal heart attitude towards Him in order to gain closeness with God. The second is mysticism, a type of of focus on intuition and feelings that become more trustworthy than God's Word. Lastly, there is moralism, the sense of focusing on strict obedience to morals, while neglecting what God desires, like love or compassion towards others. Each of these false ways of relating to God can hinder our ability to stand firm in the gospel.

The What of the Gospel (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:15

Through Jesus' death on the cross, he broke Satan's authority and ensured Satan's ultimate defeat. When people place their faith in Christ, they are able to experience freedom from satanic opposition in their lives. Some of the primary ways that Satan will try and oppose Christians is through accusation, deception, and temptation. Three primary ways we can stand firm against Satan's accusations are: 1) affirming promises of God's goodness and recalling His provision; 2) standing firm on God's complete forgiveness and begin relating to God with confidence in His love for us; and 3) committing ourselves to radical obedience to God.

Persecution and Division

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

Despite many miracles and signs of God, the apostles encounter more persecution from the Sanhedrin and are thrown into jail. The high priest confronts Peter about preaching about the message of Jesus Christ. Some encounter flogging for their faith, only to continue to spread the message of Christ. However, they start encountering division because of cultural differences that threatens the dynamic Christian community. As a result of a dispute on how to assist widows, the Apostles ask the disciples to choose seven spiritual leaders to solve the problem, those of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and who are wise. These instances show that Satan will use persecution and division to try and minimize the effectiveness of God's work, but that preservation of unity within the Body of Christ can be sustained by quality leaders.

The Most Deadly Bacillus

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:1-11

Ananias and Sapphira fall guilty of hypocrisy when they hold back money and place the rest at the apostles feet, and God strikes both of them dead. This account is particularly important concerning the damaging effects hypocrisy can have on the church if left unchecked. When not corrected, self-righteous hypocrisy can: quench the power of the Holy Spirit, inhibit spiritual growth and interpersonal closeness with others, and become more about self-improvement and quick fixes rather than telling others about Jesus. The key to avoiding hypocrisy is having a grace-oriented attitude, where we rest on God's security and are freed up to admit our faults before others.

Withstanding Temptation

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:1-11

Temptation is an inevitable part of the Christian life. Satan plays a huge role in this suffering because falling into temptation can ruin a believer's witness to other people and alienate them from God. Satan, the tempter, works alongside our own sin nature to tell us lies that increase our desire to sin while helping us to justify that very sin. In order to withstand this, we can follow Jesus' example and hold up Scripture to Satan's lies. Without this, we tend to try and argue with Satan's compelling logic, which never goes well for us. Practically, we can better equip ourselves with key Scriptures and be invested in deep friendships where we can hold one another accountable and confess to each other when we do fall into temptation.