Do Not Be Ashamed of Your Faith in Jesus

James Rochford
2 Timothy 1:7-18

What is the message? It is unspeakably valuable. God loves us despite what we have done, not because of what we have done. We are loved, not loveable. Jesus chose to give His life as an incredibly heroic act of love. Why should anyone share this message? This is transcendent truth. It is a beautiful message. It has supernatural power to change lives. How can we share this message well? Prepare to suffer and be rejected. Get the focus off your fears, and onto God's transformative power. Remember that it is all worth it!

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:8-18

In Christ Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of our sin. This is an action completed in the past. We are saved from the power of our sin, presently and ongoing. In the future, in heaven, we will be saved from the presence of our sin. If we really understand the tremendous value of the Gospel, we would guard it as a treasure and would not be ashamed of it. Truly know Jesus should remove all shame.

How to Effectively Fight Poverty

James Rochford
1 Timothy 5:1-16

Paul gives Timothy principles for giving financial aid to those in need in the church and outside the church. Poverty is very complicated, but God is liberating people across the globe from physical, medical, educational, and spiritual poverty. As God liberates believers, He calls us to let Him lead us in liberating our finances for Him to bless others around the world.

What Is Faith?

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The narrative of the woman in the crowd and Jairus and his daughter teaches us what faith is. They both placed their trust in someone to the extent that they acted upon that trust. They each took a risk to reach out to the One who they believed could change hopeless situations. What mattered was not the amount or strength of their faith but the object of their faith, Jesus Christ. His power is absolutely adequate! He can and will set hopeless and broken things right.

A Disrupted Life

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 1:1-2:12

When you understand God is at work and you have a role to play in that plan, you can be guaranteed your life will be disrupted so that you can play a small role in impacting eternity. Nehemiah was able to embrace that disruption to his life because he knew God was at work in human history and Nehemiah had a role to play in that plan.

How Does God Help When it Hurts?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:12-19

The Bible warns us that suffering in this world is inevitable. The question is will you suffer as the world suffers, with surprise and complaining or will you suffer with joy and gratitude that you have received mercy instead of justice? Why is gratitude the right response to suffering? Gratitude gives us a "mental break" and places suffering in the correct context. Gratitude also reminds us we are not imprisoned victims of our circumstances. The real question is do you believe God is trustworthy or not?

Preparing Our Minds for Suffering

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 4:12-19

Since suffering is inevitable in this world, Peter gives six principles for enduring suffering in ways that brings glory to God. Don't be surprised when you encounter suffering. Instead, rejoice in suffering, knowing that God will use it for your good. Make sure you avoid unnecessary suffering, such as suffering as the result of doing evil. When you do suffer, do not be ashamed of suffering for Christ. Entrust your soul to God who is your faithful Creator. Do what is right, for in due time you will receive your reward.

Spiritual Lifestyle in a Rugged World

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

Peter offers six things to do or not do when encountering suffering as a Christian. Firstly, do not be surprised! Jesus told us the world first hated Him and will hate us as well. Secondly, keep on rejoicing. We can rejoice because suffering teaches us many valuable lessons. Thirdly, do not bring on unnecessary suffering by sinning. Fourthly, do not be ashamed because you bear the name of the One who was not ashamed to go to the cross for us. Fifthly, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator because surely the One who created you will also take care of you in all circumstances. Finally, continue in doing what is right even in the face of difficulties.

The Bible and Slavery

James Rochford
1 Peter 2:18-25

Although the institution of slavery in the Roman empire was different than European slavery we are more familiar with, it still was an unjust and cruel practice. Some biblical scholars claim that the Bible actually defended the practice of slavery or at the very least delayed its overthrow. They claim Jesus never condemned slavery. The truth is the Bible was profoundly counter-cultural regarding slavery. The New Testament decries slavery, and urges slaves to win their freedom and affirms the value and equality of all persons, slave or free. It was the NT ethic that led to the abolition of slavery.